Wife. Mom. Sister. Daughter. Best Friend. Fotog. Pranskter. Student. Teacher. Lover of Life.

Wife. Mom. Sister. Daughter. Best Friend. Fotog. Pranskter. Student. Teacher. Lover of Life.
Taking back what's mine. Inspiring those with no time, no energy and/or no desire to exercise. A 365 Photo Blog © LeighAnn Monaghan

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 31 - McDreamy & McSteamy

I got a call this morning from a Substitute Teacher coordinator asking me if I could come in to sub for half a day. YAY! I love when they call me personally to ask. It makes me feel special! However, next time, I'll be sure to take note of which elementary school calls to ask. Yes, I showed up at the wrong school today. Typical me. Gotta laugh.

So, tonight, I discovered that our clubhouse gym has free Wi-Fi. Rock-ON!!! Considering what we pay for CDD and HOA, they should provide free iPads...

Thanks to a certain Netflix donor, and to Meme and Papa for the iPad2, I blew through 35 minutes on the treadmill catching up on McDreamy and McSteamy. That's code for Dr. Sheppard and Dr. Sloan - Grey's Anatomy. There was one season a few years ago that had a really slow start and I quit watching. Regretting that now. Regardless, that was the fastest 35 minutes ever! I had to stop 5 minutes early because sweat was dripping in my eyes, and now I can't find the episode that I was watching. UGH!!!

Tomorrow I will recap my first month blogging and Taking Back Twenty. Posting results and my plan of action for February!! Peace out!~~

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