Wife. Mom. Sister. Daughter. Best Friend. Fotog. Pranskter. Student. Teacher. Lover of Life.

Wife. Mom. Sister. Daughter. Best Friend. Fotog. Pranskter. Student. Teacher. Lover of Life.
Taking back what's mine. Inspiring those with no time, no energy and/or no desire to exercise. A 365 Photo Blog © LeighAnn Monaghan

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Day 87 & 88 - Abbr.

Day 87 - Worked out. 45 minutes. Treadmill.

Day 88 - Spent some time in the chair with Master Danny and had to reset my cell phone so I lost tons of contact numbers. Did NOT work out.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 86 - The Big Bad Wolf

I let the acrylic on my big toes grow out for an entire month longer than they are supposed to, and my Two Little Piggies started looking like the Big Bad Wolf. After my Mini-Pedi, I was going to go hit the gym before Lil C got home from school, but I didn't want to mess up my shiny new nubs, so I waited.

Instead, I dove head first into my editing. I have two sessions to edit this week... it's probably going to take me a few hours to finish each batch. Thankfully, I was able to fix dinner in the gaps between editing batches while the images uploaded to my editing software. I'm a great multi-tasker. Some might say that I'm borderline ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). There is a VERY THIN line between the two, you know? If you are a multi-tasker who can't seem to get anything done, you're not a multi-tasker. You have ADD. On the flip side, if you have been diagnosed with ADD, yet have a knack for getting a lot of things done in a day, you don't have ADD. You're a master multi-tasker.

OK - I'm bored with this now.  ADD? Who cares. If so, I don't want any meds. Life would be one big bore if I had to focus on any one thing for more than 15 minutes.

Thank goodness for Grey's Anatomy episodes on Netflix...that's the only thing that keeps me on the treadmill for 45 minutes. Two days in a row...that's 400 calories: gone. If I keep this up, I may actually start losing again. It seems like I've been stuck at 8 lbs for weeks...until yesterday...but then again, I've been wussing out more than normal too. Do you think the two are correlated? Hmmmm.

Check out this calculator to see how many calories you burn in a day (it's a general idea...not exact): http://caloriecount.about.com/cc/calories-burned.php

There's no trick or secret code, people. Less in + More out = Weight Loss

My magic number is 2140. I burn 2140 calories just during my daily routine.
Scientifically speaking, a human must burn 3500 calories to lose 1 lb of fat.
If I eat 2140 calories each day, plus burn an extra 200 calories a day (which I do by walking for 45 minutes), it will take me 17.5 days to lose 1 lb. (200 x 17.5 = 3500)
HOWEVER.....if I reduce my caloric intake to 1840, plus burn the additional 200 calories, that puts me at a total deficit of 500 calories per day which means it would only take me 7 days to lose that same 1 lb. (500 x 7 = 3500).

That's a 300 calorie difference. Do you know what has 300 calories? One single serving of Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Cookies. No joke. It's a very delicate process. Peace out - brain is tired... took much thinking about one particular thing.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Day 85 - Hunger Pangs

Enjoyed a nice lazy Sunday morning, thanks to our extremely late night last night. I feel like I have been wussing out on my workouts lately, so the 1 lb loss this morning was a very nice surprise. I decided to measure myself again and discovered another 1/2 in loss on my neck and on my arms. This is one more reason to not beat yourself up over not working out for a couple of days when you know that you should have. That was my goal when I started this little venture. It was MY time and I would do the best that I could to take back what I needed to both stay sane and reduce my waistline.

I do miss the times when I could lose 10 lbs in a week, but that never lasted more than a few months, always resulting in a return of the lost weight and then some. I'm finding that it's a very delicate balance, and by slightly adjusting what you eat along with slightly adjusting what you do physically, you can lose weight. I'm down 9 lbs total in 85 days and I haven't been over exerting myself by any stretch of the imagination. Changing that tomorrow.

On the food front, I've started a slow and gradual decrease in processed foods and increase in whole, GMO-free foods...focusing on the things that we use on a daily basis. So far, I've replaced Lil C's chicken nuggets and corn dogs with turkey sandwiches, apples sauce, bananas and yogurt. I've eliminated soda, corn oil and Splenda and replaced it with water, grape seed oil and raw agave sweetner, respectively. I used to drink a 2 litre of soda every day...it took me 3 months to break myself of that habit. I tried switching Lil Charlie's cereal, but I made the mistake of letting him see the box. Lesson learned!! Thanks to Aunt Rhonda, I'll be mixing it with our remaining "Cinnamon Toast Crunch" cereal and then eventually completely replacing it in an old "Cinnamon Toast Crunch" box...stay tuned for whether that works or not. Fingers crossed. Going at it slowly, I have yet to see an increase in our grocery bill.

This afternoon, I joined the gang for a matinee movie: Hunger Games. I haven't read the book yet, but after seeing this movie, it is definitely on my list of books to read this year. It had some bloody violence, but it was survival violence, which I view differently than evil violence.

I brought the sippy cup with me and taught my new friends a very valuable lesson in sanity preservation. I learned from the master. She knows who she is.

Hope you all have a wonderful week. Thank you so much for reading. I wish you would leave me more comments. {o.O}

Day 84 - Midnight Madness

Two photoshoots today. One at 9am and one at 11:30am, then had to clean the house because we were having a party this evening. However, before the party, we headed out to a 50's style sock hop to help raise money for a local kids theater group. I've been trying to talk Lil C into joining, although he really doesn't have any time in his schedule. He refuses. No way, no how, he says.

While at the sock-hop, he was hula hooping like a rock-star...swingin' his arms and shakin' his rump in front of what was probably an audience of about 100 people. Totally hamming it up. That kid has no fear...and apparently he has no insecurities because on the ride home, my BFF asked him why he didn't want to join the theater. His reply: "I'm way better than all of them." I love his self-confidence, but I think he might need a great big slice of humble pie!!

Post Sock-Hop: What I had imagined would be 10-12 people turned into 24. Twelve kids and twelve adults...but I wouldn't have it any other way. We hung out in the kitchen, swapping laughs and then played a friendly game of Spoons, which ended in one of my new friends sliding head first across my huge kitchen island, almost falling over the edge and nearly losing his pants as someone tried to same him from sustaining serious head trauma. Totally diggin' my new friends. How often is it that 6 couples could hang out together and EVERYONE gets along. I'm still trying to memorize which kids belong to which couples...guess that will come in time.

Photo: The twelve kids. They were better behaved than the adults.

I'm writing this on Monday. I'm fairly certain that I hit the treadmill between cleaning house and the Sock-Hop, but I can not confirm that with 100% confidence.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Day 83 - Friday Night Family Fun

No exercise today, but I certainly took back TWO HOURS tonight. Here are two videos to help you understand how we spent our precious Friday Night!!

Day 82 - おいしい料理

Today was the BFF's birthday... the day that she finally catches up to me so that we can be the same again. However, if you ask her, she'll tell you something different....something along the lines of, "No, I'll ALWAYS be younger than you." Hahahaha. It's our thing. I try to make her older than she is and she rubs it in.

I joined her for lunch today at a local Japanese hibachi restaurant. I couldn't believe the prices. They were half the price of the dinner menu and you get the same amount of food. You can order the chicken dinner for $8. It includes the hibachi chicken, fried rice and vegetables, soup and a salad. The No. 7 McDonald's meal is almost $8. Scheesh!!

I know where I'm going to lunch from now on!!

I made my way back home and then set into my routine for Thursday evening... get Lil C from the bus stop, start dinner, go to Karate class, come back home, eat dinner, do the dishes and crash. But, before I submitted to "the crash," I decided to put on my tennis shoes. Although it's more than likely psychological, when I put my tennis shoes on, I immediately feel a renewed sense of energy. A second wind. So I hopped in the car and headed to the gym.
When I got there, I could see that there were about 7 teenage boys working out and I just wasn't in the mood to deal with that, so I went back home and did some Pilates-type exercises (called: Closed Kinetic Chain) along with some stretching on the floor, as I watched a Grey's Anatomy episode. Sounds easy, huh? Try getting onto your hands and knees and kick your foot back and then up towards the sky. Do that 100 times and your rear end will be en fuego. (On Fire) Then, from a lying position, lift your upper body and your legs off the ground at the same time, balancing on your rear end. Do this 10 times for 10 count holds. En fuego, I tell ya. En fuego!! ( yes, I know my Spanish is terrible...after taking 2 years of it, the only thing I remember is cierto la puerta because I sat right next to the door in the back of the room and she asked me to close it every single day.

Looking forward to the weekend!! Enjoy yours!!

Photo: The card I gave her for out BFF-iversary

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Day 81 - Is This For REAL?

I hereby dedicate this post to my Lil Man, Charlie Vincent Monaghan IV. Today he brought home a letter from the Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce congratulating him on being one of a handful children chosen from his school to be honored.

I'm struggling with guilt and pride. I was so surprised when I read the letter that I had e-mailed her asking her it it was "for real." For some reason I always pegged Lil C as being the class clown because he's so snarky and sarcastic, hates going to school and hates to do his homework. (Hold your comments, please.....Yes, I know EXACTLY where he gets it from... I thought I was writing my own biography in that last sentence)

Regardless, I had already come to grips with being satisfied with having at least one out of my two children excel in school, so this is just icing on the chocolate cake!!

My "Twenty" tonight was spend doing a circuit in my living room and kitchen while watching Survivor with my baby girl. It looked something like this:

20 Kitchen Counter Commercial Push-ups
10 Floor Push-ups
10 Sit-Ups
10 Floor Push-ups
20 Kitchen Counter Commercial Push-ups
10 Floor Push-ups
10 Sit-Ups
10 Floor Push-ups
20 Kitchen Counter Commercial Push-Ups

Are you taking back twenty???

Monday, March 19, 2012

Days 76 - 78: Farm Girl

I had no computer this weekend to do my blog, so here is my condensed version.

Spent 3 hours cleaning the house on Friday morning. No, we weren't showing the house. Charlie was working from home, and if I let him see me sit on the couch, eating Bon-Bons and watching my soaps, he's send me back to work, for sure!!

After the first 45 minutes, I had sweat dripping down my back, so I know I got a fairly good workout on Friday. There's a trick to burning more calories while doing housework... things like, if there are a pair of shoes that need to be put away, take one at a time, speedwalking back and forth. It works, I tell ya!!

That afternoon, the two Charlie's & I headed up with my BFF (Julie) to her parent's farm in Lake City. It's a 2 1/2 hour drive north from where we live...just south of the Florida/Georgia border. As much as we enjoy going to the farm, I know that it's never an easy trip for Julie. Her mom (in her early-to-mid 60s) has Alzheimer's. If you've never seen it first hand, it's hard to comprehend. All I know is that my BFF is stronger than 20 men.

On Saturday, after a few rounds of target practice with Charlie's new .22 Rifle, we DID manage to walk the perimeter of the yard 4 times for a total of approximately one mile. We guesstimated that one lap was comparable to one lap around a 1/4 mile track. Although it was still the last few days of Winter, it was a sweat fest for sure!!

Shortly after, we suited up and soaked in some Vitamin D, played a few games of online poker and X-Box video hunting, scarfed down some St. Patty's Day Corned Beef & Cabbage, then crashed around midnight.

Sunday was a lazy morning, getting packed up, cleaning all of our messes and waiting for her Dad to return from his hunting trip, and finally shipped off on our 2.5 hour trek back home. While I didn't go to the gym Sunday as I had planned, I did hammer out some Kitchen Counter Push-Ups and then some Sitcom Sit-Ups before cooking dinner for my two sisters and my sister's friend Sunday evening. Topped off the night with a Dance Central competition on the X-Box Kinect. Structured or not, burnin' calories is burnin' calories.

It was a completely non-productive weekend, and I loved every single minute of it.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Day 75 - Golf

I haven't played golf in months, so shooting a 117 wasn't too shabby for me.

For the past 3 years, my mother has always arrived before everyone else and picked up the tab. Well, today, I arrived before SHE did, so I took the opportunity to pay for her round of golf today. It's the least I could do to try and make up for the past 3 years of free golf. So, the man behind the counter pushed a few buttons on a register and said, "That will be $84.00."

<<<<<insert GASP>>>>>

WTH???  I was committed by this point. What could I do? Nothing - which is exactly what I did. Swiped the card and played some golf. I hope Charlie doesn't pay this much when HE plays golf.

Plus - they charge $42 per person and they don't allow you to bring your own liquor??? Thank God my mother knows how to break a few rules. She showed up with a bottle of Goldschlager hidden in her golf bag. I love her. She rocks.

My Twenty today? 18 holes of Golf and a sunburn. As crappy as I shot, I'm sure I walked a good 2-3 miles...and definitely got a nice farmer's tan in the process. I lost 3 balls and par'd once. I also woke up another 2 pounds lighter than I was two days ago. Booyah!

Have a great weekend, peeps. Headed to Lake City for some R&R and I'm sure I'll be shooting one of Charlie's new guns out in the cow pasture. Photos and blogs to come.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 73 - Pimples & Periods

She's BAAAaaaaaaccckkkk.
The grouchy monster has arrived... right on schedule. While this means very bad things for those around me, it means 4-5 days of sassy, spicy blog posts for YOU! Starting tomorrow, of course.

I was going to head out to the gym tonight after dinner. Instead, I was side railed by a large pimple on my shoulder blade, just out of my reach, brought to my attention by a chuckling 37 year old man who lives in my house, sleeps in my bed and shares DNA with my son... this, coupled with a missing tube of Neosporin and a house full of people who refused to go upstairs and get it for me.

I finally got my Neosporin and Lil C applied the camouflage band-aid for me because no one else would come near me. He hasn't been around long enough to recognize the fact that it was clearly time to run. Big C (Daddy) coincidentally started his exercise regime tonight, and Sierra decided to hang out in her bedroom after I scolded her for leaving her radio on all day long, running up the electric bill.

I didn't make it to the gym, but I did manage the following while watching Cougar Town and New Girl. Perfect timing, ABC. ....... THANK YOU!

40 Kitchen Counter Push-ups
40 sit-ups
30 Planks
30 Sit-Up style Leg Lifts
25 Side Leg Lifts

Most people complain about this time of the month, but I get more done in these 4-5 days than I do the rest of the month.

Day 72 - BFFs & Sweaty Chocolate Cake

Oh yeah. Today was a rebirth. After getting hit with that super-bug last week and into the weekend, it felt GREAT to wake-up today feeling 95% well. The BFF took the day off so I grabbed the rest of my Birthday money and we hit the Hard Rock circuit in the morning.

We love poker. She's better than I am. She's rock solid. Poker is an endurance game, but not in the sense that you might normally hear the word "endurance." It's more of an emotional and psychological endurance.... especially after sitting at a table for 3 hours.

I came home in time to get the house cleaned, get Lil C from the bus stop, fix dinner and hit the gym.

It was good to get back into the gym....flipped on the iPad and caught up on Grey's Anatomy. I'm almost through with Season 6...it's getting better as the season goes on. I started sweating and I swear I tasted chocolate cake. (That was for you, Matt). I am actually starting to enjoy the heat and the sweat. I get hot, and then I sweat, and then I get cool again. It's becoming a cleansing ritual...like a shower from the inside out... only, you need another shower afterwards. While I was walking, I noticed this big football player sized guy next to me. He was plugging away...just like me...watching his own show on his teenie weenie iPhone. I felt bad for him. He must be reading my blog. Hahaha. Wouldn't THAT be funny!

Photo: Me and the BFF - Circa 1990

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Day 71 - Harry Potter meets The Beverly Hillbillies

Sunday. Charlie and I decided to go check out the Gun Show at the Florida Expo Hall. I really don't know why I was so surprised by what I saw, but that was a freaky group. What scares me the most is the fact that all of those people were gun-carrying citizens. Some didn't look intelligent enough to get through life, much less have the money to purchase expensive weaponry.

There were those who were clearly hunters, decked out in their camouflage. Then, there were those well-dressed folks who I assumed might be collectors. Aside from those two groups, it looked like Harry Potter meets The Beverly Hillbillies. I think Gandalf from Harry Potter was there...he was wearing overalls.

We didn't stay long.

When we got home, I felt very tired and so I decided that I would rest one more day before jumping back on the wagon full force. My body was telling me something and so I listened. Good thing. I slept for about 2 hours on the couch. I should be good to go tomorrow. Fingers crossed.


Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day 70 - Resurrection

Finally. Saturday night. After spending 4 days and 3 nights on the couch, I finally emerged back into society and enjoyed a nice quiet evening at the BFF's house hanging out with all of my favorite people, eating my favorite foods and playing my favorite (mostly) non-contact game: Poker.

Whatever I had this past week was atrocious. I am still coughing stuff out of my lungs, but I'm on day 5 of antibiotics. Normally I take the first 5-6 days of antibiotics and then stop when I start feeling better. For the first time in my life, I think I'll keep taking it for the full dose. I'm not going to take any chances that this nastiness comes back. I feel like I haven't been to the gym in forever, like I'm starting all over again. It's not a good feeling, but I still haven't gained any weight back. That, in and of itself, is a miracle.

In the past, if I had lost weight using diet pills or other means of quick weight loss, then taken a fall like this for a week, I would have already gained every single pound back and then some. Not this time. I'm starting to think that going at it long term allows for stumbling blocks like this, keeping me from being dragged back to square one. I dig it.

We stayed up until 1am, which was probably not the best idea, but we were having a blast. We'll see how this decision affects my day tomorrow.

Photo is my wine glass. A gift from the bestest of besties. I keep it at her house.


Days 68 and 69 - The Leper

My first double post. These two days ran together for me. I haven't been off the couch for 2 nights and 3 days unless it was to use the restroom or get some water. Slept there day and night since Wednesday night. Normally, when I get sick, Charlie gives me the bed and he takes up residence upstairs so he doesn't get sick. This time, I just so happened to be on the couch when I fell ill, and I never moved.

When we first lived together and he did this for the first time, I was totally offended. Now, I get it. In the almost 15 years that we have been together, he has been sick, maybe 5 times. I get something every 1-2 years. He also does everything he can to keep the kids away from me. One phenomenon in our house is when I'm lying on the couch, it creates a gravitational pull and the kids always end up on top of and all around me. Dad manages to stay on top of it and yell at the kids to get off of the leper, but they sneak in every once in a while when Dad's not looking.

Just for a little entertainment, as Big C (Daddy) was getting ready to head out to he gun range, I picked up his ear muffs and coughed on them, then turned them over and coughed on them again, then opened them up and coughed on them. He freaked. It took him a few minutes to find the Lysol and spray them down to get all of the germs off. Hey, I have been on the couch for 2 days. I needed a good laugh.

Image from: http://lowimmunesystem.org/how-to-prevent-your-body-from-infections/

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day 67 - Snot and Thin Mints


All day.

Turns out Thin Mints Girlscout Cookies cures a headcold. Just chase 'em with Sudafed and a big glass o' milk.

Day 66 - Truth, Love & Consequences

I'm back on my daily wagon, but, boy, am I feeling the repercussions of eating fast food three times last weekend. My wedding band is tight and I can feel the swelling all over my body - especially in my face...around my eyes and cheeks. If you're a chronic fast food eater, there is no way to sugar coat it. You need to stop. On a monthly basis, we might eat "fast food" three times, with two of those times being pizza from Bosco's or Marco's. This weekend, however, I ate fast food 3 or 4 times. We were going non-stop all weekend and fast food was easy and cheap.

In the past, I would blame it on my busy schedule, however, now, I know that it's not because of a busy schedule. It's a simple lack of preparation on my part. It's not difficult to pack a lunch and a few snacks in a cooler and throw it in the back of the car. It would take less than 10 minutes to prepare lunch and snacks for the entire family, pack it in a cooler and put it in my car. Pure laziness. SMH. I'm paying for it now. I'm hoping that if I drink lots of extra water this week, I can flush out the swelling and get back to feeling normal.

I hit the treadmill again today. Managed 45 minutes before my episode ended. While I was walking, an older gentleman opened the door and just stood there. I watched, curious as to what he was doing. Turns out he was holding the door for an older heavyset lady, who I assumed was his wife. She came into the gym on a motorized wheelchair. My heart broke. Here is this man, who loves his wife so much that he loads her into the car, drives her to the community gym, helps her out of the car and onto her wheelchair, and then helps her squeeze into the gym (it's a tight entrance...but I'll be up there tomorrow to re-arrange the equipment for her). He goes to, what I can imagine, a great extent, just so she can do pull-down exercises while sitting in her wheelchair. You could tell that they had been at this routine for a while because once she was in, he let her go her own way. She did her arm exercises while he did the elliptical. They didn't speak. They didn't smile. Then they left.

I don't want to be that couple. When Charlie and I retire, I want us to be physically healthy. I want to go on cruises and travel the world, not be confined to a wheelchair. I want to believe that 2012 will be my turning point. 300 days to go.

Photo courtesy: www.sodahead.com

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 65 - Squeezed It In

For those of you following me on Facebook, you might already know that I have been taking a Photography class at USF. I already have a Bachelor degree in Business Management, so I am toying with the idea of going back for a MFA (Masters of Fine Arts) in Photography.

Tonight was my last night of class for the course I'm in and so I spent 8 hours today putting together my project which counted as my Final Exam. I'm pretty sure I nailed it. I didn't learn much in this class. It was geared for those who are just getting started in Photography. I learned more from the side conversations with the professor than I did from the content of the class, so it wasn't a total waste of money.

If you've been following my blog, you might be wondering why I haven't "really" exercised in 3 days. If you're reading this blog to help motivate you, then I am very sorry to have failed you this weekend. It's all part of the cycle. When you declare that you are "on a wagon," it is only natural to eventually fall off that wagon. The only reason I am not going to allow this failure of a weekend to completely sabotage my plan is because I have removed myself enough to be able to see the big picture. In a 366 day year, what's 3 days? It's .008 to be exact. A mere blip on the radar. To put it into even greater perspective, if I were to commit to a 5 year plan, those 3 days would represent .001. I love Math.

Here is the equation I am testing in 2012:

Less Calories In + More Sweat Out = Pulling My Skinny Jeans Out Of Storage

After getting Lil C to the neighbors for a ride to his Cub Scouts meeting, I had 45 minutes before I had to leave for class. Normally, if I don't have a 30 minute cushion in between things I have to do, then I generally avoid doing them or put them off until the next day. Same goes for exercise. Not today, though.

Once I dropped Lil C off at the neighbors, I threw on my sweats & tennis shoes, grabbed a change of clothes, deodorant and my Final Exam project for class and then headed to the gym. It was going to be a tight race, but I was able to walk for 40 minutes while finishing one of my Grey's Anatomy episodes, then sprinted to the clubhouse bathroom to change and went straight to class. I "squeezed it in."

My apologies to the girl sitting next to me. Unfortunately for you, my exercise is more important than your olfactory senses.

Photo: My drive into class tonight... directly into the sun.


Monday, March 5, 2012

Day 64 - Out of Control

Had to spend another couple of hours cleaning the house today for another realtor. Scheesh. Hours of cleaning for a 15 minute walk-through. Hardly seems worth the effort. Finally finished cleaning, slicked the hair back into a tight pony tail in lieu of a shower and headed out to Brandon to meet an old friend for lunch. That's the beauty of old friends. They don't judge. She loves me, dirty hair and all!!

Here it is. My moment of truth: Onion Rings and a Juicy Burger or Soup and Salad?

Based on the fact that in the past 3 days I have had greasy pizza, taco bell and Chinese food, I went with the soup and salad. French Onion from Barnacles - Photo Above. Wow. Not sure about the health factor, but I'm sure it was healthier than what I almost ordered. 

After lunch, I headed over to my parent's house and had a glass of wine and chatted while they ate dinner. It's amazing how as a teenager, I did everything possible to NOT hang out with my parents, and now I try to hang out over there every chance I get.

We had a realtor scheduled to show our house at 4pm, so I had to time my afternoon carefully so as to avoid the awkward turtle situation when complete strangers go snooping through your closets. I left Charlie at home to be the greeter. I don't feel bad. I cleaned it.

Wrapped up this insanely out-of-control busy weekend with zero gym time, a few push-ups here and there, every chance I got, but I didn't keep track. However, what I lacked in Taking Back Twenty, I more than made up in quality family time with my awesome kids and husband.

Day 63 - Guard & Ambush

What a crazy busy day. Spent four hours cleaning my house so a realtor could bring his clients in for 10 minutes. Ugh. Then had to drive to Pinellas County to help chaperone Sierra's Winter Guard competition. It's insane the amount of preparation that goes into a 3 minute performance. We were there for 6 hours. No joke.

Grabbed some Chinese take-out on the way home. Probably not the best choice, but I was tired and famished. Finally made it back home, a hot mess from sitting in the sun and blustery wind for several hours in long sleeves and jeans. I really need to check the weather channel next time.

Here it is. My moment of truth.

I've been missing the BFF lately because our schedules have been off track. I had the opportunity to throw on my sweats and tennis shoes and head up to the gym, but instead, I decided to call the BFF and invite her over. She was out to dinner with a few other people so I told her to "bring the gang." That gang turned out to be a small army of 6 adults and 6 kids. I love impromptu parties with cool people.

I'm starting to feel the guilt of not working out for 2 days in a row, but I needed that mental break more. Taking care of your body is important, but taking care of your mind trumps everything else.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Day 62 - Donation Day

Days like today are the reason that I started this blog in the first place. Days like today are also the days that would throw me into a downward spiral, bringing my workout plan to a screeching halt. Nothing about this day was dedicated to me. Today it was all about cleaning the house so that a Realtor could bring his client by and show it, driving to Brandon and back in 5 o'clock traffic to drop off some camera equipment so that a client would have a photographer for her Christening on Saturday, shopping for groceries so that my family would have food to eat, and spending the evening with Big C at the Karate school so that Lil C could test for his Blue Belt (which he earned). OK, so I DID enjoy watching him perform, but I certainly didn't burn any calories doing it.

The positive side of all of this: I have a house to live in, a car to drive, money to pay for gas, camera equipment to do what I love, food in my pantry, two very healthy, talented children AND I'm almost ready to put my "fat jeans" back into storage. If I'm still at this on December 31st, I may just throw a TBT "Fat Jeans Burning" Bon-Fire party.

Photo: Lil C's Goofy Smile Face after earning his Blue Belt.
Here is his video clip:  Lil C's Karate Video
