Wife. Mom. Sister. Daughter. Best Friend. Fotog. Pranskter. Student. Teacher. Lover of Life.

Wife. Mom. Sister. Daughter. Best Friend. Fotog. Pranskter. Student. Teacher. Lover of Life.
Taking back what's mine. Inspiring those with no time, no energy and/or no desire to exercise. A 365 Photo Blog © LeighAnn Monaghan

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 151 - Popcorn = No Babies

Lil C was reading an article over my shoulder a few moments ago. It was a Prevention article titled "7 Foods That Should Never Cross Your Lips"

CHARLIE: "Mom - why is microwave popcorn on a list of foods that you're not supposed to eat?"
ME: "Not sure, let me read it to you (I get to the part about causing infertility)
CHARLIE: "What is infertility?"
ME: "Its when you can't have babies anymore."
CHARLIE: " !!WHEW~~ Thank goodness!!!"
ME: "Why is that good?"
CHARLIE: "(rolling his eyes, then awkward pause) Duh. Because I'm a BOY. I don't HAVE babies, so I can eat the popcorn.... -->> He runs out of the room in a huge rush leaving me baffled..."
SIERRA: " (Yelling to me across the house) MOM - WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CAN'T HAVE BABIES IF I EAT POPCORN???"

This is how rumors get started. smh. My life is a comic strip.

Incase you're interested in reading...here is the list and a link to the article.

I'm going to go do 100 pushups with Lil C on the livingroom floor.

  • 1. Canned Tomatoes
  • 2. Corn-Fed Beef
  • 3. Microwave Popcorn
  • 4. Nonorganic Potatoes
  • 5. Farmed Salmon
  • 6. Milk Produced with Artificial Hormones
  • 7. Conventional Apples

  • Tuesday, May 29, 2012

    Day 150 - Loaf-a-pa-looza

    I've been on a Loaf-a-pa-looza break for 10 days and gained 5 lbs back. Wonder how THAT happened??? Lots going on in my life that I just can't blog about, and it's killing me...literally.

    Going to go sit with my ex-grandmother-in-law tomorrow. She broke a hip and is now recovering in a rehabilitation center...

    She's not too happy about not being in her own home, so I'm going to hang out and talk about her great grand daughter (My baby girl) all day long.

    Maybe I'll blog more about that tomorrow...and I'm going to try to get my twenty while I'm there. Push-ups and sit-ups maybe??

    Monday, May 21, 2012


    Every so often, I check my blog stats to see who's reading. I am astounded to find that many of my readers are from countries all over the world.

    I'm not sure how they are finding my blog, but to see them coming back to read again is the best gift ever!!

    I would LOVE to hear feedback from you if you are a daily reader. You can message me directly, (pingleigh@yahoo.com) or post a comment below if you can. I'm always curious to know how my readers found me in the first place.

    If someone forwarded my blog to you, please let me know. I would love to send them a personal Thank You!!

    Special thanks to my readers from these countries. Without you, I would not blog.

    United States
    Costa Rica
    United Kingdom
    Saudia Arabia

    Day 140 - Second to Last Prom

    No time for exercise today. Well, I COULD have, but I just didn't want to. Today was filled with getting Sierra ready for her Prom tonight. I have to give shout out's to Aunt Rhonda for taking Sierra shopping to get her jewelry and shoes, and to Michelle for doing her hair.

    She looked like a movie star... It feels like it was just yesterday that she was playing Pretty Pretty Princess with her step dad...and now she looks like a beautiful young woman.
    At least once a week, she will crawl up onto my lap and demand my undivided attention. Although it was physically less painful when she was 3 feet tall and 40lbs, it is much more rewarding now.

    I hear so many stories about kids and parents relationships falling apart through the teenage years, and I feel blessed that we have never had to go through anything like that.

    She's my pride and joy and it makes me a little emotional to think she'll be off to college after next year. She's not going far and I know I will see her often... but I will be outnumbered by the Charlies, and life as we know it will change forever.

    Day 139 : The Green Belt

    Slipped in a 45 minute speedwalk at the gym this morning, then hammered through my daily routine... Dishes from the night before (This drives my BFF crazy - she can't sleep until her sink is empty), vacuuming, sweeping, running something to Sierra's school that she left at home, grocery shopping, and laundry...

    I know we have a busy weekend ahead, so I'm trying to get all of my housework done so we don't have to do it this weekend. Lil C had Karate testing tonight. I'm so proud of him.

    He earned his Green belt today. After Green, it's Brown....then Red....then Black. Once he earns his black belt, I want to start taking Karate myself. It's never too late to try something new. It may take a little longer to achieve, but it's something I've always wanted to do...and it may come in handy when Lil C becomes a teenager.

    After testing, we enjoyed a quiet family night at home. No movie theaters, no restaurants, no parties...just quality time with the ones I love. Friday nights like this are under-rated.

    Days 136 - 138 : It's All a Blur

    Life has been a whirlwind and I can't remember much from these three days. There is nothing on my calendar other than Karate practice, and my Facebook posts were as follows:

    May 17th:
    "Sierra just sent me a text during class (as ironic as that may be) -->She just learned that she's in the top 15% of her class. I don't know how she does it all. She is amazing."


    "Just busted my last pair of $2 Flip Flops. They gave me the best year of their lives, but I am laying them to rest now. I know that if I spent a little more on the shoes, they might be better quality and last longer, but then I wouldn't get to shop as often. It might be cloudy today, but I'm shoe shopping...I'll glow my own sunshine."

    May 16th:
    "Early mornings, I do not miss you."

    May 15th:"Florida FCAT Crisis?? SMH. Call in to listen to the conference call. I just called and was told it starts in 2 hours."

    And this brings me to the Facebook post that might be the reason for my memory loss:

    May 15th:
    "Best part of my day? Started the day with an unattainable to-do list, then attained it. Worst part of my day? Sierra elbowed me in the forehead...hard. I'll call it a win, overall."

    I know I was at the gym at least one of these days...just can't remember which one.

    Thursday, May 17, 2012

    Day 135 - My Secret Stash

    Went to the gym this evening and there was a sign on one of the treadmills that read "Out of Order." So, of course I chose to jump on the only other working treadmill. It was my lucky day!!

    Halfway through my Grey's Anatomy episode, a couple walked into the gym together and the lady hops up onto the broken treadmill, removes the sign, plugs it it, turns it on and proceeds with her workout. REALLY??? My first thought was that she purposefully put the sign up to ensure availability when she wanted to workout. I had my sunglasses on, but I could see her look up at me every so often. After 10 minutes, she stops the treadmill and puts the sign back on.

    Well, you know me. I couldn't let this one slide without asking her about it.

    According to her theory, people from the CDD/HOA Management group for our community neighborhood are trying to exchange all of the equipment that is owned for rental equipment. On top of that, the treadmill isn't even broken. Sounds fishy to me... I wonder which CDD Board Member that "broken" one is going to end up in. Maybe he owns the rental company too. I'd make it my mission to find out, but I just don't have the time these days.

    That's my conspiracy theory and I'm sticking to it!

    On a funny note, my 16 year old daughter just found my secret stash of her baby teeth. Yes, I kept every single one (with the exception of her wisdom teeth - that's where I draw the line). She was pretty grossed out. I keep them right next to my kids' umbilical cord clamps!!

    Have a great week folks!!

    Tuesday, May 15, 2012

    Day 134 - Mother's Day of Rest

    I woke up to an empty house. On Mother's Day? Are you kidding me??

    Turns out Daddy dragged both kids to the grocery store early in the morning to get everything he needed to make my favorite breakfast of all: Eggs Benedict. Yum!!!

    So, I ate my Eggs Benedict while enjoying my bouquet of flowers from Sierra and sipped my java in my new custom decorated coffee mug from Lil C....and by the way, it's official. I'm the World's Best Mom...well, maybe 2nd only to my mom, who I think is the best mom in the world...EVER. As I get older and have to deal with some of the issues that she had to with my own kids, I just think about all she had to endure with THREE GIRLS, and I am forever in debt to her for giving us everything that she did. Mind, body and soul.

    No workout today, but while Daddy took Lil C to a birthday party, Sierra and I headed out to my Mama's house and ended up spending the entire afternoon and evening over there, sipping on wine, playing horse shoes and just enjoying some estrogen company with my mom & two sisters. I am so blessed to have the relationship with my mom and my sisters that I do. Nothing could replace that. I don't say it enough. I would be lost without them.

    Photo: Mom & Dad with three girls under the age of 7. My heros.

    Day 133 - Solar Heaven

    I got my twenty in today, but it didn't seem like a workout at all! Spent the afternoon at the BFF's in her new pool. Initially, we had the pool all to ourselves and just drifted around, sipping our cool drinks, soaking in the summer heat. At one point I had the pool all to myself, so I took advantage and swam 10 hard and fast laps across the length of the pool. I was breathing heavy after the 4th pass. Good stuff. Swimming must burn some serious calories!

    Later in the day, when the whole gang came over, we all got in the pool and started walking around in a circle and made a whirlpool/ripcurrent so strong that you could no longer stand still. Legs were BURNING!! Another good workout...especially when we all decided to turn around and reverse the whirlpool. Wholy cow. My legs were like jello when we finished.

    Wrapped up the afternoon hanging out in the hot tub in 90 degree weather. We didn't care. It felt awesome, and our legs thanked us!!

    Photo: Kids in the hot tub with BUBBLES!!! They had a blast.

    Day 132 - Emotional Rollercoaster

    Hit the treadmill this morning and enjoyed another Grey's Anatomy episode. I can't believe I quit watching this 2 years ago. Feels good to get back into the swing of working out. All it takes is 45 minutes a day and my energy levels increase all day long.

    Tonight was Sierra's Year-end Band Banquet. She's a Junior this year so she got a little emotional when they started handing out awards to the Seniors. I think it hit her that she was going to be the one saying goodbye next near. She was sitting across the room with her boyfriend and friends, but I watched as she wiped away a couple tears with a napkin. Made me sad to see her sad, but thinking about all of her accomplishments made me happy again, then the thought of her leaving home and going to college made me sad again. It was a rollercoaster. Then she was voted "Best Smile" and 1/2 of "Cutest Couple" - so I was happy again. :o)

    If I weren't so affected by emotions, life would be so easy and I would workout and eat right every single day. But, if given the opportunity, I wouldn't trade my emotional craziness for anything in the world. 

    Photo is her "Best Smile" shot.

    Thursday, May 10, 2012

    Day 131: Nobody Puts Baby In A Corner

    I have to admit, I let April get away from me and I'm not very happy about that. Lots happened in those 30 days, and like a fool, I handed over the reigns without a fight.

    Do you know how many calories I failed to burn in a month? 200 calories x 30 days = 6000 calories. That's approximately 2 pounds of fat that is still sitting on my belly and butt.

    Well, not exactly. I spent more time at the gym than the average American, but it wasn't up to the standards that I now have set for myself.

    What a waste.

    My last blog post titled **CENSORED** was liberating, in a censored sort of way. I typed it out this morning, sat on it for a few hours while cleaning the house, then hit "Publish," threw on my tennis shoes, grabbed the iPad, and headed to the gym.

    Baby's back.

    FOR YOUR VIEWING PLEASURE:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y97bWP33d8I

    Days 128 - 130 : **CENSORED**

    I lied. Maybe THIS will be my last combo-day-post. Read through to the end and you may understand why.

    I alternated between lots of editing on Monday and Tuesday with sets of 20 kitchen counter push-ups because I'm not allowed to do the treadmill for another couple of days. These are getting old and my arms are starting to hurt. However, after racking up 140 of them in an 8 hour period for 3 days in a row, the jiggle is gone and my pits are more defined... LOVE IT!!

    I am starting to have treadmill withdrawals, and I can't wait to get started back on Season 7 of Grey's anatomy. I have the entire current season recorded on my DVR and it's clogging up my storage. Ugh!!!

    I'm opening up a little here, in hopes of getting my mojo back. I've been having an internal conflict with my writing. I feel like I've been censored, so to speak, and it doesn't feel good. Earlier this year, I posted about some kids at **censored** where I was working and someone complained. How in the world this became an issue, I DO have an idea, but "as an employee of **censored**" it was inappropriate to post and I was advised of this a couple of weeks ago when it was brought to my attention. I didn't name names in the post, and I thought that they were funny and light-hearted. However, writing about the happenings at **censored** was enough to cause a stir. I totally understand the reasoning behind the complaint, and gladly agreed to remove the posts, but it's still a bit disheartening. What does this mean for you? No more blogs about unnamed kids at **censored**. I'll wait here while you go get a tissue. *sniff*

    In writing this blog, I try to bring joy and motivation, humor and the occasional useful tool to people who are struggling with balancing the daily issues of life. Through my Facebook page, I see posts by friends who are living the high life, jet-setting around the world, friends who have to choose between paying a utility bill or buying groceries, friends who are going through Chemotherapy and having mastectomies, friends who are living in countries where they are oppressed and living in a police state, friends who are single parents and then friends like me...who are somewhere in the middle of the road, doing the best that we can with what we have.

    What does all of this mean?

    It means that in the grand scheme of life, this situation is simply a ridiculous blip on the radar and that **censored** might benefit from re-evaluating where and how they spend their time and energy, possibly making a shift to focusing on the positive things in life and making the world a better place as opposed to **censored****censored**.

    And with that being said, I'm back.

    Photo: Me.

    Tuesday, May 8, 2012

    Day 127 - Creative Therapy

    Spent the majority of my day working on this collaborative project for bangstyle.com...in between sets of 20 kitchen counter push-ups and editing photos from the banker's conventionzzzzzzzzzzzzz all day. Talk about a snoozer. If you're a regular reader, you know why I can't do my regular workout...so I'm left to do only upper body for the next several days...made me a little nervous at first, but.... no sweat...not going to let that throw me off track. Push. Up. Push. Up. Push. Up. I. Will. Have. Guns. In. 4. Days.

    Monday, May 7, 2012

    Day 126 - PJ Poetry - The Comfort Zone

    My calendar was bare.
    I didn't do my hair.
    I slept in a chair and
    Dreamed of the fair.

    I did clean one room,
    But not with a broom.

    Daddy was productive
    And caught up with his chores.
    Then he rested with me
    while drinking a Coors.

    One post on Facebook
    Is all that you get.
    I will be back, though.
    Don't you fret.

    Photo of the day is an image I found on Facebook. I found it fitting for me being that I spent the entire day in my PJs, piddling around in my own comfort zone.

    Sunday, May 6, 2012

    Days 121-125 : Wacky Week

    This should be my last "group post" - I hereby promise to my awesome readers to try to post something everyday again....even if it's just a photo of my feet. I'm stuck at 11 lbs down, but I guess that's better than 11 lbs heavier.

    While I increased the length of my workouts, I also decreased the frequency of workouts...going from 5-6 days a week doing 20-30 minutes, down to 3-4 days a week doing 45 minutes. There is definitely something to be said about that.

    My Wacky Week:

    Monday: Started packing some more today. I hit all of the high stuff today. I think I climbed up and down my step ladder 50 times today...hands free. Definitely got a leg workout there, and all of the reaching, lifting, squatting, etc...I think I burned more calories than I would have on a treadmill. It was a great day, though. Lots accomplished...

    Tuesday: Early morning Award ceremony for Lil C. He's in 1st grade and was one of 11 kids chosen out of his entire school of 800 students to receive the award for leadership, community awareness, grades, and a few other measurements. So proud of him. He can be such a terd at home. When I first received the notice that he was chosen to represent the school, I had to message his teacher to be sure there wasn't a mistake. No mistake. Turns out, he's a gem of a student at school...wish he would bring that kid home sometimes. Ha!

    Wednesday: Had to spend the entire morning speed cleaning because we had a home inspection AND an appraisal that were coming today. No time for me during the day, so I made sure to hit the gym once Daddy got home. My daughter joined me this time. I'm hoping that she will continue to join me. Even though we're both watching our shows on the iPads, it's nice to know that she's right there next to me. She'll be packing up to go to college this time next year. Kinda makes me sad, but she won't be too far.

    Thursday: Spent 6 hours shooting a banker's convention at Saddlebrook Resort & Spa. Thank goodness the time was broken up into 3 hour sessions, one session in the morning and the other in the evening. Now, while I consider myself to be fairly intelligent, I was humbled at this event. I understood approximately 40% of the words that were spoken. Clearly, I don't do finance. I mean, seriously, check out the frontal lobe on this guy. While I didn't make it to the gym today, I probably did 50-60 squats as I skulked around the convention getting shots without being noticed.

    Friday: Got stuck with a needle about 30 times in the back of my legs. I bought a GROUPON for a $99 Sclerotherapy session. CLICK HERE to see a video clip of it. It wasn't too painful, but I have to wear these hideous medical grade compression hose on my legs for a week, plus no treadmill. I'm going to focus on upper body while my legs heal. Wrapped up the week watching my BFF's son perform with a local theater group (Arts in Motion - Pasco). What a great show!! Hope to go see the older kids perform "Grease" on Sunday.

    Saturday: Drove into Tampa to watch my daughter's school's Band (Wind Ensemble) perform in their State Competition. Wow. I am in awe of people who are musically gifted. I've never understood music, couldn't grasp the concept. CLICK HERE to see one of their performances. While the sound quality on my cell phone stinks, they received two "Excellent" grades and one "Superior" - Well done, WRHS. Wrapped up the afternoon and evening at a Cinco de Mayo party at the house of a family who takes in wounded wild animals. The had lemurs, a bald eagle with one broken wing, wild boars, geese, opossums, rabbits, baby key deer, and a few others. They are all kept in very large cages and are surrounded by woods...a very natural habitat.

    Stay tuned for a weeks worth of creative upper body workouts!!