Spent 3 hours cleaning the house on Friday morning. No, we weren't showing the house. Charlie was working from home, and if I let him see me sit on the couch, eating Bon-Bons and watching my soaps, he's send me back to work, for sure!!
After the first 45 minutes, I had sweat dripping down my back, so I know I got a fairly good workout on Friday. There's a trick to burning more calories while doing housework... things like, if there are a pair of shoes that need to be put away, take one at a time, speedwalking back and forth. It works, I tell ya!!
That afternoon, the two Charlie's & I headed up with my BFF (Julie) to her parent's farm in Lake City. It's a 2 1/2 hour drive north from where we live...just south of the Florida/Georgia border. As much as we enjoy going to the farm, I know that it's never an easy trip for Julie. Her mom (in her early-to-mid 60s) has Alzheimer's. If you've never seen it first hand, it's hard to comprehend. All I know is that my BFF is stronger than 20 men.
On Saturday, after a few rounds of target practice with Charlie's new .22 Rifle, we DID manage to walk the perimeter of the yard 4 times for a total of approximately one mile. We guesstimated that one lap was comparable to one lap around a 1/4 mile track. Although it was still the last few days of Winter, it was a sweat fest for sure!!
Shortly after, we suited up and soaked in some Vitamin D, played a few games of online poker and X-Box video hunting, scarfed down some St. Patty's Day Corned Beef & Cabbage, then crashed around midnight.
Sunday was a lazy morning, getting packed up, cleaning all of our messes and waiting for her Dad to return from his hunting trip, and finally shipped off on our 2.5 hour trek back home. While I didn't go to the gym Sunday as I had planned, I did hammer out some Kitchen Counter Push-Ups and then some Sitcom Sit-Ups before cooking dinner for my two sisters and my sister's friend Sunday evening. Topped off the night with a Dance Central competition on the X-Box Kinect. Structured or not, burnin' calories is burnin' calories.
It was a completely non-productive weekend, and I loved every single minute of it.
Thank you for being you. You help me continue to have strength on a daily basis. So thankful to have a best friend like you. Wouldn't change a thing!!! Peaceful weekend, thank you for driving and giving me sanity to my routine Lake City trip. Love you!