While at the sock-hop, he was hula hooping like a rock-star...swingin' his arms and shakin' his rump in front of what was probably an audience of about 100 people. Totally hamming it up. That kid has no fear...and apparently he has no insecurities because on the ride home, my BFF asked him why he didn't want to join the theater. His reply: "I'm way better than all of them." I love his self-confidence, but I think he might need a great big slice of humble pie!!
Post Sock-Hop: What I had imagined would be 10-12 people turned into 24. Twelve kids and twelve adults...but I wouldn't have it any other way. We hung out in the kitchen, swapping laughs and then played a friendly game of Spoons, which ended in one of my new friends sliding head first across my huge kitchen island, almost falling over the edge and nearly losing his pants as someone tried to same him from sustaining serious head trauma. Totally diggin' my new friends. How often is it that 6 couples could hang out together and EVERYONE gets along. I'm still trying to memorize which kids belong to which couples...guess that will come in time.
Photo: The twelve kids. They were better behaved than the adults.
I'm writing this on Monday. I'm fairly certain that I hit the treadmill between cleaning house and the Sock-Hop, but I can not confirm that with 100% confidence.
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