Wife. Mom. Sister. Daughter. Best Friend. Fotog. Pranskter. Student. Teacher. Lover of Life.

Wife. Mom. Sister. Daughter. Best Friend. Fotog. Pranskter. Student. Teacher. Lover of Life.
Taking back what's mine. Inspiring those with no time, no energy and/or no desire to exercise. A 365 Photo Blog © LeighAnn Monaghan

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day 70 - Resurrection

Finally. Saturday night. After spending 4 days and 3 nights on the couch, I finally emerged back into society and enjoyed a nice quiet evening at the BFF's house hanging out with all of my favorite people, eating my favorite foods and playing my favorite (mostly) non-contact game: Poker.

Whatever I had this past week was atrocious. I am still coughing stuff out of my lungs, but I'm on day 5 of antibiotics. Normally I take the first 5-6 days of antibiotics and then stop when I start feeling better. For the first time in my life, I think I'll keep taking it for the full dose. I'm not going to take any chances that this nastiness comes back. I feel like I haven't been to the gym in forever, like I'm starting all over again. It's not a good feeling, but I still haven't gained any weight back. That, in and of itself, is a miracle.

In the past, if I had lost weight using diet pills or other means of quick weight loss, then taken a fall like this for a week, I would have already gained every single pound back and then some. Not this time. I'm starting to think that going at it long term allows for stumbling blocks like this, keeping me from being dragged back to square one. I dig it.

We stayed up until 1am, which was probably not the best idea, but we were having a blast. We'll see how this decision affects my day tomorrow.

Photo is my wine glass. A gift from the bestest of besties. I keep it at her house.


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