I joined her for lunch today at a local Japanese hibachi restaurant. I couldn't believe the prices. They were half the price of the dinner menu and you get the same amount of food. You can order the chicken dinner for $8. It includes the hibachi chicken, fried rice and vegetables, soup and a salad. The No. 7 McDonald's meal is almost $8. Scheesh!!
I know where I'm going to lunch from now on!!
I made my way back home and then set into my routine for Thursday evening... get Lil C from the bus stop, start dinner, go to Karate class, come back home, eat dinner, do the dishes and crash. But, before I submitted to "the crash," I decided to put on my tennis shoes. Although it's more than likely psychological, when I put my tennis shoes on, I immediately feel a renewed sense of energy. A second wind. So I hopped in the car and headed to the gym.
When I got there, I could see that there were about 7 teenage boys working out and I just wasn't in the mood to deal with that, so I went back home and did some Pilates-type exercises (called: Closed Kinetic Chain) along with some stretching on the floor, as I watched a Grey's Anatomy episode. Sounds easy, huh? Try getting onto your hands and knees and kick your foot back and then up towards the sky. Do that 100 times and your rear end will be en fuego. (On Fire) Then, from a lying position, lift your upper body and your legs off the ground at the same time, balancing on your rear end. Do this 10 times for 10 count holds. En fuego, I tell ya. En fuego!! ( yes, I know my Spanish is terrible...after taking 2 years of it, the only thing I remember is cierto la puerta because I sat right next to the door in the back of the room and she asked me to close it every single day.
Looking forward to the weekend!! Enjoy yours!!
Photo: The card I gave her for out BFF-iversary
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