I haven't played golf in months, so shooting a 117 wasn't too shabby for me.
For the past 3 years, my mother has always arrived before everyone else and picked up the tab. Well, today, I arrived before SHE did, so I took the opportunity to pay for her round of golf today. It's the least I could do to try and make up for the past 3 years of free golf. So, the man behind the counter pushed a few buttons on a register and said, "That will be $84.00."
<<<<<insert GASP>>>>>
WTH??? I was committed by this point. What could I do? Nothing - which is exactly what I did. Swiped the card and played some golf. I hope Charlie doesn't pay this much when HE plays golf.
Plus - they charge $42 per person and they don't allow you to bring your own liquor??? Thank God my mother knows how to break a few rules. She showed up with a bottle of Goldschlager hidden in her golf bag. I love her. She rocks.
My Twenty today? 18 holes of Golf and a sunburn. As crappy as I shot, I'm sure I walked a good 2-3 miles...and definitely got a nice farmer's tan in the process. I lost 3 balls and par'd once. I also woke up another 2 pounds lighter than I was two days ago. Booyah!
Have a great weekend, peeps. Headed to Lake City for some R&R and I'm sure I'll be shooting one of Charlie's new guns out in the cow pasture. Photos and blogs to come.
OMG, I love this one! And your mom rocks!