I got a call this morning from a Substitute Teacher coordinator asking me if I could come in to sub for half a day. YAY! I love when they call me personally to ask. It makes me feel special! However, next time, I'll be sure to take note of which elementary school calls to ask. Yes, I showed up at the wrong school today. Typical me. Gotta laugh.
So, tonight, I discovered that our clubhouse gym has free Wi-Fi. Rock-ON!!! Considering what we pay for CDD and HOA, they should provide free iPads...
Thanks to a certain Netflix donor, and to Meme and Papa for the iPad2, I blew through 35 minutes on the treadmill catching up on McDreamy and McSteamy. That's code for Dr. Sheppard and Dr. Sloan - Grey's Anatomy. There was one season a few years ago that had a really slow start and I quit watching. Regretting that now. Regardless, that was the fastest 35 minutes ever! I had to stop 5 minutes early because sweat was dripping in my eyes, and now I can't find the episode that I was watching. UGH!!!
Tomorrow I will recap my first month blogging and Taking Back Twenty. Posting results and my plan of action for February!! Peace out!~~
A 365 photo journey through 2012
Today I vow to take back the 20 minutes a day that I need to keep my sanity and waistline in check.
Taking Back Twenty
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Day 31 - McDreamy & McSteamy
new tampa,
soul search photography,
weight loss,
wesley chapel
Day 30 - Near Death Experience
Today was a scheduled "Rest Day." I have them pre-planed on my calendar every 10 days. It's like a freebie day. However, after today's events, I feel lucky to be alive...undeserving of a "Freebie Day."
I was pulling out of a store today when some j-hole ran a solid red light at 50mph, and missed T-boning me by a mere 1/10 of a second. I'm estimating these numbers, of course. However, based on the fact that the girl's vehicle physically lifted off the ground as she flew through the intersection, tells me that she was going fast enough to get some lift as she flew over a small rise in the pavement. It happened so quickly, and she missed me by MAYBE 3 inches. In my mind, however, it happened in slow motion. I actually saw the expression on her face when she realized that she thought that she was going to T-Bone someone. In that exact moment, I gunned the gas and cut my steering wheel left...fish tailing out of her path...leaving only black skid marks on the pavement. I'm still not sure how I survived this. It makes me think that my Guardian Angel somehow slowed down time to give me the time to get out of the way. Craziness, I tell ya.
I've had 2 psychic-esque people describe in vivid detail what my Guardian Angel looks like, and their descriptions were remarkably similar... One was a friend from when I worked downtown at Verizon. It was out of the blue. She knew nothing about my family, but was able to tell me 2-3 things that only my Grandma Birdie would know. She had passed several years before. Then there was a palm reader that my sister and I stopped in to see. We weren't searching for info..we simply had 2 hours to burn in a town where there was one Dollar General store and one psychic. It was something that my sister would never do on her own, so I dared her. Long story short....both described my Guardian Angel's looks in detail and explained that she was with me all the time.
You may not be a believer, but the simple fact that I'm not either dead or in jail is proof enough for me. I was a wild child: non-conforming and above the rules, but somehow managed to not only survive High School, but also get a full ride scholarship to college.
Whatever you want to call it...a sixth sense, intuition, psychic ability.... I've always had internal dialogue. Learning to listen to it was the key.
Photo is from my Photography class at USF...I got critiqued today. Ouch!
I was pulling out of a store today when some j-hole ran a solid red light at 50mph, and missed T-boning me by a mere 1/10 of a second. I'm estimating these numbers, of course. However, based on the fact that the girl's vehicle physically lifted off the ground as she flew through the intersection, tells me that she was going fast enough to get some lift as she flew over a small rise in the pavement. It happened so quickly, and she missed me by MAYBE 3 inches. In my mind, however, it happened in slow motion. I actually saw the expression on her face when she realized that she thought that she was going to T-Bone someone. In that exact moment, I gunned the gas and cut my steering wheel left...fish tailing out of her path...leaving only black skid marks on the pavement. I'm still not sure how I survived this. It makes me think that my Guardian Angel somehow slowed down time to give me the time to get out of the way. Craziness, I tell ya.
I've had 2 psychic-esque people describe in vivid detail what my Guardian Angel looks like, and their descriptions were remarkably similar... One was a friend from when I worked downtown at Verizon. It was out of the blue. She knew nothing about my family, but was able to tell me 2-3 things that only my Grandma Birdie would know. She had passed several years before. Then there was a palm reader that my sister and I stopped in to see. We weren't searching for info..we simply had 2 hours to burn in a town where there was one Dollar General store and one psychic. It was something that my sister would never do on her own, so I dared her. Long story short....both described my Guardian Angel's looks in detail and explained that she was with me all the time.
You may not be a believer, but the simple fact that I'm not either dead or in jail is proof enough for me. I was a wild child: non-conforming and above the rules, but somehow managed to not only survive High School, but also get a full ride scholarship to college.
Whatever you want to call it...a sixth sense, intuition, psychic ability.... I've always had internal dialogue. Learning to listen to it was the key.
Photo is from my Photography class at USF...I got critiqued today. Ouch!
guardian angel,
new tampa,
soul search photography,
weight loss,
wesley chapel,
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Day 29 - A Walk in the Park

We rode around the main loop and then checked out the camp grounds...wondering why we never camped here before...so close to home. Instead, we would drive 50 miles to a campground that looks exactly the same. I didn't think that Hillsborough River State Park allowed campfires for some reason, but there were campfires burning all over the place. I'm thinking that this little trip might lead to a new (and by "new" I really mean "used") camper in the near future.
Missed the BFF today...we'd be attached at the hip if we could get away with it.
new tampa,
soul search photography,
weight loss,
wesley chapel,
Day 28 - Nothing
I have nothing for you for this day. I did get some movement in today, playing X-Box kinect... Boxing, Volleyball and Bowling....catching up on the 29th. It's hard blogging on the weekends!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Day 26 - Time Warp to BHS 1990

State Championship.
The only differences:
An extra 40lbs.
It's 2012.
We were in my living room.
We are on different teams.
That's me and the BFF in the blurry photo. Her daughter Jenna took it for us. Beggars can't be choosers, I guess.
We decided to use the X-Box Kinect to take back twenty tonight. The game of choice: Volleyball. You see, we played together back in high school. We placed 2nd in State in 1990, so this match got a little heated. She won the first match, I won the second match and the tiebreaker went into quadruple overtime. Final match score: 9-7 Winner: J.V.
I have to admit, I was skeptical and didn't think I would get a good enough workout. Well, let me tell you otherwise...the sweat was dripping from every possible sweat gland on my body. Thinking this might become my workout of choice...at least two or three times a week. In fact, we ended up taking back between 25-30 because we couldn't beat each other.
Tonight was a fun twenty. We all need a little fun in our lives. Doing the same thing every night would bore me, which is why this seems to be working. In 26 days I've had 2 rest days and 1 fail day, which I'm hereby declaring "an unscheduled rest day," and going forward will be known as "PMS DAY" No one knows when this day will come. It will lurk in the shadows, skulking behind you and when you least expect it...... BAM! Kind of like real life PMS. Toodles!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Day 25 - X-Rays and Monster Trucks

So the nurse took me back into a room and tossed a pair of paper shorts and a paper gown on the table. I looked around. There was no x-ray equipment in this room. WTH? I was going to have to walk OUT of this room in paper clothes. No way. Started thinking that they probably have portable equipment by now and she'll be rolling it in any minute.
"Come this way," she says as she opens the door. {o.O} Hoping that we would be going into the room next door, I followed her down the hallway, past a lady and gentleman sitting in another room, around a corner, down another hallway past a few more people and finally made it to the x-ray room. Seriously? As if wearing paper clothes isn't bad enough? You had to parade me around the office too? Julie - I know you're reading this. Please send them a message asking them to not make you change until you get into the x-ray room. Seriously. How embarrassing.
Either way, the x-ray looked good and I start physical therapy next week because a Strain/Sprain shouldn't last for 3-4 months. If there are any x-ray techs out there that see anything abnormal, please let me know. :o)
In case you are wondering, I DID hit the gym tonight. 20 minutes straight on the treadmill, then 60 treadmill push-ups. Arms were burning after 45, so I know they're working. It was infiltrated by a pack of 17 year old high school boys towards the end of my workout...thinking about waking up at 6:30am to take back my twenty tomorrow. Not to mention the 500 calories that I'll save by going to bed at 11pm.
p.s. We got out Monster Truck tickets tonight for the Feb 4th show. Good family fun with the BFF and family. Can't wait!!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Day 24 - Karma Bites

Ok....back to gym. As I pulled into the gym this morning, there were two ladies who had also just pulled in and were getting out of their car at the same time. I caught one glimpse in my direction and then make an attempt to hurry towards the door.
You see, there are only 3 treadmills.
Now, under normal circumstances, I would, without a doubt, let someone else go ahead of myself, especially if I thought that they needed it more than I did. However, they had the numbers and my current state of uterine uproar prevented that from happening. As I put my head down and picked up the pace, you could see the one who had glanced in my direction earlier start to fumble something as she tried rushing the slow-poke along to beat me to the door. I failed to take back twenty yesterday and I wasn't going to let that happen again today.
If you've been reading my blog, you'll know who I mean when I tell you that the lady who decided to come join me on the treadmills was the "louder-than-and-more-opinionated-than-Fran-Drescher" lady. In addition to that, her friend had to use the elliptical located about 10 feet behind us and so the "louder-than-and-more-opinionated-than-Fran-Drescher" lady spent the next 15 minutes talking EXTRA loud so that her friend on the elliptical could hear what she was talking about. Her topic of choice today: "Glee (The TV Series) and how Americans are lowering their acceptable standards because she has to fast forward through some parts so her 5-year-old can't see them."
If you can't see the irony in this, I can't help you.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Day 23 - Twenty Excuses: The Day That I Failed
Day 23. Today I failed to Take Back Twenty. I have no photo. I could have easily hammered out 100 Kitchen Counter Push-Ups, or 50 sit-ups, or run up and down the stairs 20 times, or even played the X-Box Kinect. I didn't. I have lots of excuses, in fact, I have TWENTY excuses.
1. Stayed up too late.
2. Slept in until 8:45am.
3. Desperate Housewives
4. Facebook.
5. Had to clean up before my friend Michelle came over to do London's 6-month photos.
6. Had to do London's 6-month photos.
7. Facebook.
8. Had to eat lunch.
9. Had to sort through and edit London's 6-month photos.
10. Paranormal State.
11. Facebook.
12. Had to make Charlie's afterschool snack.
13. Had to pack my camera equipment.
14. Had to figure out where I was allowed to park for tonight's class at USF since tonight's Presidential debate was held AT USF!!!
15. Had to wash my hair.
16. Had to do my nails.
17. Had to go to class.
18. Had to eat dinner.
19. Two & a Half Men.
20. Happy Endings.
For those of you who placed bets on how long it would take to get to this day, fess up now.
1. Stayed up too late.
2. Slept in until 8:45am.
3. Desperate Housewives
4. Facebook.
5. Had to clean up before my friend Michelle came over to do London's 6-month photos.
6. Had to do London's 6-month photos.
7. Facebook.
8. Had to eat lunch.
9. Had to sort through and edit London's 6-month photos.
10. Paranormal State.
11. Facebook.
12. Had to make Charlie's afterschool snack.
13. Had to pack my camera equipment.
14. Had to figure out where I was allowed to park for tonight's class at USF since tonight's Presidential debate was held AT USF!!!
15. Had to wash my hair.
16. Had to do my nails.
17. Had to go to class.
18. Had to eat dinner.
19. Two & a Half Men.
20. Happy Endings.
For those of you who placed bets on how long it would take to get to this day, fess up now.
Day 22 - Late Again

Today was utter perfection. I spent most of the day reading in a quiet house...all alone. I don't get many days like that, so I don't offer any apologies when I milk them for all they're worth. My daughter talked me into reading a book called "A Handmaid's Tale" a few months ago and I read the entire book in 2-3 days. If was compelling. You should read it. I did, however, hate the book's ending. I was so angry at how it ended, that I decided that I wasn't going to accept the ending provided and took it upon myself to re-write a new ending summary. So there. Take THAT Margret Atwood.
My awesome sister in law, Mary, was so thoughtful and bought me two of Margret Atwood's other books, one of which I spent 6 hours reading yesterday. There wasn't much moving or shaking going on yesterday at all, and so technically, I didn't take back my twenty. However, while hanging out at my parents house last night, enjoying a glass of Cap't Morgan and Coke, the guilt set in. Not sure if it was guilt, or an actual craving to use my muscles. Either way, I started hammering out 65 kitchen counter push-ups, in sets of 10 or 15. When my daughter asked what I was doing, my father, who was standing behind her, piped in, "She's taking back twenty." Wow. At least I know my dad is reading my blog. I think he started taking back twenty too...says he's lost 7lbs??? I think it was 7. Even if it was only 3, that's still progress, and progress is good.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Day 21 - Trampolines Rock

After this, we headed inside, kicked on the X-Box Kinect and played a few rounds of Kinect Adventures and then Dance Central. Heart rate soared and I got my twenty. Talk about sweaty fun!!! After dance central, we played a few rounds of Family Feud and then soaked in the 104 degree (F) hot tub. Can't beat that for a Florida Winter Night!!! Exercise comes in many shapes and sizes. I got mine. Did you get yours?
Day 20 :: 10 x 2 = 20

Friday night. No kids. Yamato's Japanese Steak House... hot dinner date with my man. He also Redbox'd "Moneyball" for me - Yeah - with "old" Brad Pitt - got my first 10 earlier...getting another 10 later. The end. :-P
Have a fabulous weekend.
Whaaaaaaaaaat? You don't need many words with a picture like THAT!!!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Day 19 - Master Debater

I would normally have only taken back 20 at the gym tonight, but we have a DVR at home that only allows you to record 2 shows at a time, and then makes you WATCH one of the shows that you're DVR'ing. How stupid is that? Why DVR it if you're going to make me watch it while I'm DVR'ing it? I'd complain, but my husband works for the company. ...and in this economy, my DVR is the least of my worries.
I DID, however, stay at the gym for longer than usual so that I could watch some of the debate....Watch the debate? At the GYM? Yes. I took 2-3 minutes watching the gentlemen who were there to decide whether any of them were really watching the basketball game that was on the TV. No one appeared too interested, other than a stolen glance here and there to catch the score. So, I scanned the gym for the location of the remote control and made my move.
Without hesitation, I flipped the DUKE basketball game off (((GASP???))))) and turned it to the Republican Presidential debate.... and then smiled...silently daring anyone challenge me on which was more important. Yes, I was a Remote Control Bully tonight, and I'm not sorry...and Newt is a Master Debater... (chuckle - hahaha) That joke is as funny now as it was in the 8th grade. Thanks Anderson Cooper.
p.s. (This is NOT an endorsement for Newt Gingrich. I think he's a womanizing greasy pig.)
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Day 18 - My Sister's Butt

My good news today: I received a pic/text message from my little sister that read, 'Squeezed into my size 12! You inspire me! <3 And yes...I just sent you a pic of my fantastic booty.'
This kind of feedback is absolutely heartwarming. There are a few people who have messaged me directly to tell me how I have helped to inspire them to take back their own 20 minutes. Those messages inspire me more than anything else!!! Even my husband and kids are jumping on the bandwagon. LOVE IT!
I hope everyone is having a fantastic week. Please keep posting comments for me, and share my blog with your friends and family. They really do help me to stay on track. I'm seeing changes, although they are not drastic changes. It took me 2 years to get here, so I'm giving myself at least 1 year to get back to where I was, physically, 2 years ago. Too much math..."just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming" (-Dora, from Nemo) ....please don't censor me, SOPA!!!!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Day 17 - Pads to Pits

1. The hollow under the upper part of the arm at the shoulder.
Keyword: hollow.
It was a chilly day in early December when I strutted into my bathroom, reached under the bathroom counter, grabbed a fresh new razor, took my seat on the edge of the sink and realized that I no longer had armpits.
They were gone. Not so much "gone" in the sense of actually leaving my body, rather, they had inverted. They were no longer "pits," ....they were "pads." Soft, fluffy pads. It was that exact moment that hurled me into Taking Back Twenty. I can't believe I'm putting this out there.
I suppose I wouldn't be putting it out there unless those pesky pads were already beginning the process of recoiling back into my armpit where they belong. I think that you could say that they have reached a state of neutrality. They are not the fluffy pads that they used to be, but they are not the cave like structures of my youth. I miss my armpits. More than anything.
Wanna know what else is working? That beautiful young woman in the background of my photo is my incredible daughter. I was dressed and walking out the door when she asked me to stop so that she could go change and join me as I took back my twenty. Charlie also started Crossfit again yesterday. He does well with rigid exercise plans like that. Not me. I prefer a Yin Yang structure. So after 27 days total, including 17 days of blogging, I can safely say that something is working. Something is changing....and it feels good.
Leave me some comment love!!!!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Day 16 - Do NOT Ask Charlie to Pick A Number

So, you see how this could have very easily been my excuse to type here tonight. But it's not an excuse. It's an explanation....an explanation of how I'm letting outside forces control my time. After returning home at almost 10pm, I had to make a decision. I spent a few minutes having an internal debate, while scrolling through my Facebook page, then decided to crawl down onto the floor (still in my good clothes), in front of the TV. {o.O} While lying there, I asked my wonderful husband, who was relaxing on the couch... sipping his drink of choice... to pick a number....any number. I think he knew what I was going to do so he picked 75. Really? Seventy-Five??? Tonight was going to be a "push-ups" night - yes... real, authentic GIRL push-ups. I wasn't too happy with the number 75, but figured, if I was able to hammer out 100 Kitchen Counter Push-ups while eating a burrito and drinking wine, this should be no problem. All I have to say is, it took me 10 minutes to recover the feeling in my arms to be able to type this blog post. Arms will be burning tomorrow. Fo Sho.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Day 15 - Ghost of WAY PAST CHRISTMAS.

Sierra was so moved by "Fatal Attraction" last night that she insisted on sharing the experience with Gabi and Tori - two USF rockstars and 2/5 of the BFFC!!
I spent 80% of my day editing images from my photoshoot at Lange Farm. WoW! What a fantastic location for family portraits. In between my last two editing sessions, I sat on a heating pad to help ease the sciatica pain from yesterday... and it seemed to work!
Around 7pm, I headed to the gym to take back what was mine. About 5 minutes into my fast-walk, I started to feel the pain.....tried focusing on Mind over Matter. I was starting to break a sweat, getting the endorphin rush, and it started aching again...a sharp jagged pain...I was torn. It felt SO good to sweat, yet SO bad to have a knife stabbing into my lower back.
I pushed through the workout, but not because I'm strong. It was because there was this weird guy in the gym tonight. He was a ginger and appeared to be talking to himself. Not just jibber-jabber, and not just self motivation talk....He was having a full-on conversation with someone. Someone who I didn't see, hear or acknowledge. I couldn't leave. I had to see where this was going! My next thought was that maybe he had an earpiece and was actually talking to someone. Nope. No ear piece. No phone. Just as I hit my cool down, he threw on his jacket and headed out the door. I guess I'll NEVER know!! All I know if that I GOT MY TWENTY!!! Did You!?!!!!?????
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Day 14 - Fatal Attraction

Circuit training would have to do. We have a fairly nice circuit system at the gym...haven't had to use it yet, but tonight was the night. Leg extensions, chest presses, lat pulls, etc.
Circuit training was a breeze...two times around...then home to Sierra's "Winter Guard" leg lifts routine....talk about some PAIN!!!
We bonded over the pain, then watched "First Wive's Club" and "Fatal Attraction" with our new Cinemax ON DEMAND.
Tonight was a good night. Tomorrow will be better, I hope. Sciatica pain sucks.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Day 13 - Friday the 13th

And so I did. I've done 80 so far, 4 sets of 20...arms are burning. Typing now - then off to finish my last set of 20. These are great for when you are in a crunch for time, and they are not to be underestimated. While they don't work the typical areas that a regular push-up works, my triceps burned for 2 days the last time I did 100...remember Burrito, Wine, Push-Ups. Repeat?
Anyhow, we have some friends on their way over who should be pulling into the driveway any moment. Did I run out of time today? Yes. Did I let it keep me from Taking Back Twenty? Absolutely not.
DING DONG - they're here. Later taters!~ Have a wonderful weekend!!!!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Day 12 - Bra Fat & A Burrito

What IS important is that I managed to squeeze a 10 minute speed walk into my day. I had planned on a nice, quiet sweatfest at the clubhouse gym, but had a client call me to schedule a meeting at 6:45p. So..... my afternoon went something like this: Charlie to Karate at 6pm, rush home to get dressed, straighten the house and spot-mop the floor, meet with client, put on running shoes, head out to take Zoe for a jog. Five minutes into my jog it hits me that I have to be up at the High School to pick up Sierra in 20 minutes. UGH!! Picked up the pace and double timed it...drove to the High School and back, walked into the house and smelled the TACO BELL that Daddy had picked up. DOUBLE UGH!!! I have no will power as far as burritos are concerned. This is real life. I didn't go to the gym today & I didn't burn enough calories to cover that burrito either. Such is life...going to try to do better for myself tomorrow. I deserve it.
SMH - At least my burrito from the other night was a healthy one.
Are you still wondering what the guy in the pink bra has to do with my day? That's my friend and fellow Breast Cancer Awareness advocate, Dusty Showers. I mentioned him in yesterday's blog post and he took it as a dare...posting this on my Facebook Page. I hesitate to call it a dare, because this is, by far, not a stretch for him. He logs many hours in the pink bras. In fact, he recently went live with his non-profit, Dusty Showers - The 2nd Baseman. If you or someone you know has been affected by Breast Cancer, check him out. He does good things. My only problem with him is that he has less bra fat than I have. {o.O}
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Day 11 - 1-800-Ask-Gary

OK, enough of that. Some of you might be wondering whether or not I've lost any weight or inches. The truth is, I have no idea. My bodyweight can fluctuate up to 5lbs in the same day, and I haven't been weighing myself at the same time every day. I haven't been weighing myself much at all, really.
Physically, however, I've noticed a "shift" in my mid section....right below my bra line...the first three inches below it to be exact. Now, bra fat is an ugly subject. Almost everyone has it, yet no one wants to talk about it. Attention guys: You've got it too, it's just not obvious until you put on a bra. Go ahead. I dare you. Take a pic of yourself in a bra with bra fat and share it with me. I bet Dusty Showers would.
Anyhow... I can't be sure yet, but I think that I might be losing a little bit of fat in that particular area. Either that, or I'm losing a little bit of fat all over and that one particular place is where I notice it the most.
In addition to that small accomplishment, Lil C played outside for an hour today with the neighbor kids...riding his bike and playing chase...all on his own. No prompting needed. PLUS, there are no dust bunnies under my washer & dryer, laundry room has been re-organized, there is no more of my junk in the garage, laundry is done, dinner was delish and dishes are done, and all of my little loose ends have been securely tied in triple knots.
So, things are definitely changing, and other than a sore knee every once in a while, THESE changes are GOOD. Please feel free to comment, follow and/or share this with anyone you think might enjoy a good laugh along with a little motivation.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Day 10 - Day of Rest
Day 9 - Sleeping Beauty

Posting "Day 9" on Day 10. Last day of Christmas Break, kids in bed early, tummy full, and watching "Sons of Guns" with Charlie: as if the last one ALONE wouldn't put you to sleep. I was suddenly awakened by Charlie's hearty laughter. I opened my eyes to see what was so funny on the television. Nothing funny there. It wasn't the TV he was laughing at...it was me. Apparently I've reached an all new laughable level of snoring.
I DID get my 20 yesterday...36 to be exact. I had been looking forward to it all day. Re-reading that last sentence made me chuckle. I hate exercise. However, somehow, I've redefined "exercise" in my own mind. While doing the physical activity is actually considered exercise, in my own mind, it's becoming my sanctuary...my time. My time to think about the day behind me, or the day before me. My time to think about whether I'm doing the right things or the wrong things. My time to think about how I can do things better than I have in the past. My own personal therapy session with one of the best therapists I know: me.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Day 8 - Rubbing Off

Being the lil' gamer that he is, getting him outside generally requires luring him with something digital. Today was not general. Today, Lil Charlie asked me, "Have you already done your 20?" No joke. HE asked ME. I was breathless, but wanted to maintain my composure, so I asked him with a straight face...expressionless, "You want to go with me, don't you?" knowing that any weakness in composure, or overuse of emotions would have lead to him retracting immediately. His look was priceless. At first it was his "stone cold testing your weaknesses" look, then he cracked. I wasted no time and immediately said, "Go get your shoes...meet me in the garage." If I would have had a camera, Lil C and his expression would be my picture instead of this horse that almost ate my camera today out at Lange Farm.
Well, clearly, Lil C DID want to go with me, and it occurred to me that my actions were actually making a difference. It was spreading like an infectious disease. My digital dude actually chose to go outside...into the wild blue yonder... I wasn't making his go with me. This was huge. This was REALLY huge. He wanted to ride his bike this time and asked me bring our 80lb dog, Zoe with us. It's not always an easy task, and picking up her poop with a plastic bag grosses me out to no end!!! ....but Zoe Dog does this cute dance every time I sit down to put my running shoes on. I call it her Happy Dance...then she pokes me in the face with her wet nose as I bend over to tie my shoes.... I just can't tell her "no."
Other than that HUGE milestone... I ate fairly well today, with the exception of the 3 P-Nut M&Ms that I snagged....oh, and the piece of cake that Sierra brought home tonight...caramel and pecans...UGH! Cake will be the death of me. I hearby declare that birthday cake be replaced with Birthday Broccoli....with cheese. YUM!!!
"lange farm",
soul search photography,
weight loss,
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Day 7 - Burrito, Wine, Push-Ups. Repeat.

Friday, January 6, 2012
Day 6 - Accidental Perfection

I WILL say that this 16-20 minutes was the MOST FUN of all that I have taken this week. The weather was absolutely refreshing. While chasing Lil C on his scooter, I had an 80lb Black Lab on a leash in one hand and a plastic grocery bag for picking up the dog's lawn sculptures, along with my cell phone in the other hand... with the camera set... ready to snap my blog photo whenever it presented itself.
If you look closely, there is no leash. Oh, there's a leash alright. At this very moment, the dog leash (the really strong retractable kind with a large metal clamp at the end) snapped off her collar and retracted backwards. Flailing back and forth, like the arms of someone being chased by one hundred hornets..... moving closer and closer to my FACE!!! It was one of those moments that felt like it was in slow motion. I couldn't drop the phone or use it as protection, so in the micro second that it took for the leash to snap off of her collar and whip back up into my face and then back to the holder, I decided that I would just have to take one for the team. Apparently, I must have snapped this image as I got hit in the face while also trying to run up to get the dog to get the leash back on her. I really wish I had the video on for this. It would have been MUCH funnier.
I hope everyone has a FABULOUS weekend. Try to come up with creative ways to take back your 20 minutes. It's yours. Just go get it.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Day 5 - Internal Conflict

If you clicked the link, you had to either hit your back button or go back into Facebook to find the link to my blog again. Or maybe you were offended and decided to just move on. That's ok. This would accurately depict my own frustration today.
I don't seem to be having a conflict with any one or any thing. I can't quite put my finger on it. Maybe it's all of the the snowbirds. They clog up the roads for 6 months each year and take 10 minutes to put their credit card back into their wallet after paying for groceries at Walmart. Wow. This is pretty negative. I feel much better now, though. This blogging thing could catch on!
I was in rare form today, so I got a little greedy tonight and decided to take back 30 minutes instead of my regular 20. I walked into my neighborhood gym tonight and was surprised at what I heard. Silence. Dead silence. Deep breath in. Deeper breath out. It was just what I needed. ME TIME. Flipped the TV onto CNN and listened to more election coverage, but it didn't seem to bother me this time. Something had changed...right around the time I hit 20 minutes.... I had this flicker of a voice in my head that said, "Don't stop. This feels good." I think it was the endorphins talking. They had a British accent. Who knew?
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Day 4 - The Longest Run-On Sentence Ever

So, I went out with my sisters last night to celebrate my Lil Sister's birthday. In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have committed to that 7:15am Networking Meeting this morning. My yesterday and today did not like each other very much when they met this morning. Managed to put on a pretty face and made it to the meeting. After sitting through an hour of networking, I ran home and got there just in time to leave again to take Sierra to school, come back home, make breakfast for Lil C, take him to Karate, run to the Chiropractor, pick him back up, run back home, make lunch, run BACK to the school to pick-up Sierra, drive her all the way to Zephyrhills (30 minute drive) to get her hair done, drop her off, run to Publix to pull out some cash and pick-up some pimple medicine, run back to pick her up, head back home, make a pitstop at another Publix to get a few things I was missing for dinner, run home, start dinner, and Charlie walks in the door. Whew!
And I didn't even work today.
I hope you didn't assume that this was going to be my first excuse post.
Day 3 - The Hardest Day

I don't know what it is about the 3rd day of an exercise plan. Day 1 is easy. You're committed, pumped up, ready to go. Day 2 rolls around and it's a little harder, but who quits after just one day? Day 3 - the day of excuses.
I had more to do yesterday than I would normally have to do in a day and I even made up a few more things that had to be done... However, I wasn't checking things off of my "To-Do" list - I was checking things off of my "Excuse List" - What was I doing? The same thing I always do on Day 3. I was self-sabotaging myself, only, it was O.K. because I was doing productive things like driving kids all over town, doing laundry, going to Sam's Club. I even cleaned out the freakin' refrigerator. Seriously. That monster has needed a good scrubbing for almost 6 months now. SIX MONTHS! I've had 6 months to clean out the refrigerator, but I chose to do it on Day 3.
As I stood there admiring the beauty of my clean refrigerator, it hit me. This was it. My moment of truth. Dinner was done, the house was clean and I was dressed and ready to go out. My sisters were on their way over to my house. It was my little sister's birthday and we were going to go out for a couple of drinks. Once I realized that I only had 30 minutes left before they arrived, I ran into the bedroom, ripped off my jeans, threw on my sweatpants, hammered out 20 sit-ups and 10 push-ups, grabbed the dog and ran out the door. I didn't want to break a sweat because I was going out soon and didn't have time for a shower because I was too busy CLEANING THE REFRIGERATOR!!
So, here I am on Day 4 writing my blog post for Day 3. No biggie. I'll try better today.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Day 2 - Future Me

I woke up this morning wondering when I was going to take it... the 20 minutes each day that I have promised myself this year. Should I run up to the gym before my coffee, or wait until I have exhausted all of my morning snuggle time with Lil C. He's 7 now and these days are numbered. I often wonder if he'll still want to snuggle with me when he's 16. I'm pretty sure I know the answer. It's different with girls...Sierra still snuggles with me at 16, and I don't see that coming to an end any time soon.
Eventually, as I sensed our snuggle time coming to an end, so, like clockwork, I called for Daddy to come find us. We yanked the covers over our head and hid, statues. Thick as thieves we are....that boy and I. The tickle monster found us and it was all over....just like that.
Crawled out of bed, Daddy made me breakfast, helped put the last of Christmas back into the attic and then grabbed my sneakers. It's GO TIME.
Drove up to my neighborhood clubhouse gym. No cars. YES! I had the whole place to myself.....NOT.... I was just the only one too lazy to actually WALK up to the clubhouse. Now THAT was funny.
Jumped onto the elliptical for a couple of minutes to get the heart pumping, then joined a man in his late 50s on the treadmills. He was a little guy, but had legs of steel. Right off the bat, he started jogging...and jogging...and jogging. I had to ask him to turn up the country music video channel that he turned on because I am partially deaf in my left ear. Me. The YOUNG one. The one WALKING as the older guy next to me cruises along at 6.5mph...
When he stopped and jumped off without even a cool-down, I asked him how long he'd been running. I was envious of his endurance. I have always blamed my asthma, but I'm sure I could do it if I really really tried. As he was answering me, I glanced over at his treadmill timer and it read 20:00. No joke. Twenty minutes exactly. It was fate. Then, as I listened to him explain how he had been exercising for exactly a year, and how he definitely did not START OUT jogging, it hit me. He's future me... only male... and a little older... and a little shorter. That was all I needed. This is going to be my year. Tomorrow: Shoe Shopping...those dirty dogs are embarrassing.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Day 1 - Taking Back Twenty
Today is the day. Technically, I started about 10 days ago to help me gauge just how difficult this was going to be. I mean, how embarrassing would it be to start a blog like this and then puss out after a week?? Today I vow to take back the 20 minutes a day that I need to keep my sanity and waistline in check. Thinking back 20 years, the simple idea that I would be writing a blog like this at all would have been absolutely absurd. I was a skinny kid. I was athletic as a tween and normal size and weight as a young adult. Worrying about my weight was not something that I had planned on. I honestly thought that I would be a size 4/6 forever. Ha! Surprise!!!
About Me? I married at 19 (seriously, what was I thinking??? My parents claim that I would have gone through with it whether they tried to intervene or not). Then, I had my beautiful daughter, Sierra, at 21, ....made a few necessary "adjustments," started a career at 23, earned my Bachelor's Degree at 27, married Charlie (a.k.a. "Daddy") at 29 and had Lil C at 30. Yes, I was pregnant on two HUGE milestone birthdays (21 AND 30). You really should think these things through...however, thinking back, those two milestones very well may have resulted in two more siblings, so we'll just take what we have and be happy with that. After all, college tuition doesn't grow on trees!
This year, I plan to take back 20 minutes every day, from whatever I need to take it from, and invest it in myself, in my health, in my well being, in me. I deserve it. My children deserve it. My family deserves it...and I plan to document my journey in daily photos. Every day. It's My 366 Leap Year Photo Project. I will not sugar coat my journey or censor the descriptions of my thoughts or feelings. If you are offended, please either de-friend me, or block my "Taking Back Twenty" posts. I have an extremely diverse group of friends, ranging from church-builders to bar-hoppers, so, understanding that I might offend someone with each and every post is ok with me. I am generally polite and respectable by nature, however, I have been known to throw a wrench in things from time to time. Mom always said that my 40's would be liberating, and she was right, only I'm not going to wait another 2 years. Carpe Diem, right?
So, here I am. Approaching 38. Faster than anticipated. Also, approaching a weight that I know with 100% accuracy that I will NOT be happy with. My goal? Fix it. Excuses? No more. Are you taking my 20 minutes? If so, it's time to step back. It's mine and I'm taking it back.
I would love for you to join me in taking back YOUR 20.
About Me? I married at 19 (seriously, what was I thinking??? My parents claim that I would have gone through with it whether they tried to intervene or not). Then, I had my beautiful daughter, Sierra, at 21, ....made a few necessary "adjustments," started a career at 23, earned my Bachelor's Degree at 27, married Charlie (a.k.a. "Daddy") at 29 and had Lil C at 30. Yes, I was pregnant on two HUGE milestone birthdays (21 AND 30). You really should think these things through...however, thinking back, those two milestones very well may have resulted in two more siblings, so we'll just take what we have and be happy with that. After all, college tuition doesn't grow on trees!
This year, I plan to take back 20 minutes every day, from whatever I need to take it from, and invest it in myself, in my health, in my well being, in me. I deserve it. My children deserve it. My family deserves it...and I plan to document my journey in daily photos. Every day. It's My 366 Leap Year Photo Project. I will not sugar coat my journey or censor the descriptions of my thoughts or feelings. If you are offended, please either de-friend me, or block my "Taking Back Twenty" posts. I have an extremely diverse group of friends, ranging from church-builders to bar-hoppers, so, understanding that I might offend someone with each and every post is ok with me. I am generally polite and respectable by nature, however, I have been known to throw a wrench in things from time to time. Mom always said that my 40's would be liberating, and she was right, only I'm not going to wait another 2 years. Carpe Diem, right?
So, here I am. Approaching 38. Faster than anticipated. Also, approaching a weight that I know with 100% accuracy that I will NOT be happy with. My goal? Fix it. Excuses? No more. Are you taking my 20 minutes? If so, it's time to step back. It's mine and I'm taking it back.
I would love for you to join me in taking back YOUR 20.
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