Being the lil' gamer that he is, getting him outside generally requires luring him with something digital. Today was not general. Today, Lil Charlie asked me, "Have you already done your 20?" No joke. HE asked ME. I was breathless, but wanted to maintain my composure, so I asked him with a straight face...expressionless, "You want to go with me, don't you?" knowing that any weakness in composure, or overuse of emotions would have lead to him retracting immediately. His look was priceless. At first it was his "stone cold testing your weaknesses" look, then he cracked. I wasted no time and immediately said, "Go get your shoes...meet me in the garage." If I would have had a camera, Lil C and his expression would be my picture instead of this horse that almost ate my camera today out at Lange Farm.
Well, clearly, Lil C DID want to go with me, and it occurred to me that my actions were actually making a difference. It was spreading like an infectious disease. My digital dude actually chose to go outside...into the wild blue yonder... I wasn't making his go with me. This was huge. This was REALLY huge. He wanted to ride his bike this time and asked me bring our 80lb dog, Zoe with us. It's not always an easy task, and picking up her poop with a plastic bag grosses me out to no end!!! ....but Zoe Dog does this cute dance every time I sit down to put my running shoes on. I call it her Happy Dance...then she pokes me in the face with her wet nose as I bend over to tie my shoes.... I just can't tell her "no."
Other than that HUGE milestone... I ate fairly well today, with the exception of the 3 P-Nut M&Ms that I snagged....oh, and the piece of cake that Sierra brought home tonight...caramel and pecans...UGH! Cake will be the death of me. I hearby declare that birthday cake be replaced with Birthday Broccoli....with cheese. YUM!!!
OR replace it with CUPCAKE...i know its about the same..but it IS a smaller portion.. HAHA i know Im no help at all