Wife. Mom. Sister. Daughter. Best Friend. Fotog. Pranskter. Student. Teacher. Lover of Life.

Wife. Mom. Sister. Daughter. Best Friend. Fotog. Pranskter. Student. Teacher. Lover of Life.
Taking back what's mine. Inspiring those with no time, no energy and/or no desire to exercise. A 365 Photo Blog © LeighAnn Monaghan

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 30 - Near Death Experience

Today was a scheduled "Rest Day." I have them pre-planed on my calendar every 10 days. It's like a freebie day. However, after today's events, I feel lucky to be alive...undeserving of a "Freebie Day."

I was pulling out of a store today when some j-hole ran a solid red light at 50mph, and missed T-boning me by a mere 1/10 of a second. I'm estimating these numbers, of course. However, based on the fact that the girl's vehicle physically lifted off the ground as she flew through the intersection, tells me that she was going fast enough to get some lift as she flew over a small rise in the pavement. It happened so quickly, and she missed me by MAYBE 3 inches. In my mind, however, it happened in slow motion. I actually saw the expression on her face when she realized that she thought that she was going to T-Bone someone. In that exact moment, I gunned the gas and cut my steering wheel left...fish tailing out of her path...leaving only black skid marks on the pavement. I'm still not sure how I survived this.  It makes me think that my Guardian Angel somehow slowed down time to give me the time to get out of the way. Craziness, I tell ya.

I've had 2 psychic-esque people describe in vivid detail what my Guardian Angel looks like, and their descriptions were remarkably similar... One was a friend from when I worked downtown at Verizon. It was out of the blue. She knew nothing about my family, but was able to tell me 2-3 things that only my Grandma Birdie would know. She had passed several years before. Then there was a palm reader that my sister and I stopped in to see. We weren't searching for info..we simply had 2 hours to burn in a town where there was one Dollar General store and one psychic. It was something that my sister would never do on her own, so I dared her. Long story short....both described my Guardian Angel's looks in detail and explained that she was with me all the time.

You may not be a believer, but the simple fact that I'm not either dead or in jail is proof enough for me. I was a wild child: non-conforming and above the rules, but somehow managed to not only survive High School, but also get a full ride scholarship to college.

Whatever you want to call it...a sixth sense, intuition, psychic ability.... I've always had internal dialogue. Learning to listen to it was the key.

Photo is from my Photography class at USF...I got critiqued today. Ouch!


  1. Grandma Byrdie was an awesome woman!!! Are they saying she is your Guardian Angel? Or is what they describe not her? I know I have one...

    1. No - but a friend (an acquaintance at the time) at my old work told me about, and described in detail a dress that she made for me when I was 8 or 9 years old...

      One day, out of the clear blue, I walked up to where she was standing and she started whispering "My little birdie, My little birdie" and then turned to me and asked me if that meant anything. I told her about G'ma Byrdie and then she described the dress in explicit detail as well as described a square or rectangle space of yellow flowers surrounded by grass. Her coffin was covered in yellow roses, end to end. My guardian angel is supposedly a tall woman with strong features and long dark hair.??
