Posting "Day 9" on Day 10. Last day of Christmas Break, kids in bed early, tummy full, and watching "Sons of Guns" with Charlie: as if the last one ALONE wouldn't put you to sleep. I was suddenly awakened by Charlie's hearty laughter. I opened my eyes to see what was so funny on the television. Nothing funny there. It wasn't the TV he was laughing at...it was me. Apparently I've reached an all new laughable level of snoring.
I DID get my 20 yesterday...36 to be exact. I had been looking forward to it all day. Re-reading that last sentence made me chuckle. I hate exercise. However, somehow, I've redefined "exercise" in my own mind. While doing the physical activity is actually considered exercise, in my own mind, it's becoming my sanctuary...my time. My time to think about the day behind me, or the day before me. My time to think about whether I'm doing the right things or the wrong things. My time to think about how I can do things better than I have in the past. My own personal therapy session with one of the best therapists I know: me.
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