I DID, however teach one of my new friends how to do Kitchen Counter Push-ups. He made fun of me as I did sets of them in between stuffing my face with bites of greasy pepperoni pizza, so I challenged him to try a few. His arms were hurting the next day. Told ya so, Kevin. They're not for weenies. Try doing 200 of them. My "guns" might be water pistols right now, but come summertime, I'll be packing heat for sure.
It's not often that I meet people that I actually like, so to meet 6 new people in one month - and actually like them all, it's a friendship miracle. Yay friends!!! Julie is still my favorite, though.
Great blog post! Of course I'm your favorite! And according to my Facebook status at 3-4am LeighAnn is awesome, you are mine too! The AIM families are wonderful, fun and glad to call friends!!