Wife. Mom. Sister. Daughter. Best Friend. Fotog. Pranskter. Student. Teacher. Lover of Life.

Wife. Mom. Sister. Daughter. Best Friend. Fotog. Pranskter. Student. Teacher. Lover of Life.
Taking back what's mine. Inspiring those with no time, no energy and/or no desire to exercise. A 365 Photo Blog © LeighAnn Monaghan

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 52 - Time Travel Camera

Light is a funny thing. You can't see it, but without it, you can't see. Plus, when you take a picture of yourself in the mirror with light coming in from the back, it lets you see into the future. I snapped this photo this morning and the light bending around my waist took off a good 3 inches. Don't be fooled. Those jeans are size 13.

It's a fabulous camera trick, if you can get it just right. I once lost half of a bride's neck in a very similar situation. It wasn't an important shot...so she never saw it. Ha!

I had 45 minutes to exercise today, (and by that, I mean that I procrastinated up until I only had 45 minutes left), so I used every single minute that I had left, truckin' with Grey's Anatomy. I'm almost finished with Season 6...then pulled back into the garage just as Lil C was getting off of the bus. Whew!

I still can't believe I'm walking for 50 minutes at a time, and it's a breeze. I remember the day when it took everything I had to stay on for the entire 20 minutes that I started with, and I can't imagine where I'll be on December 31st, 2012. Hopefully looking something like I do in that photo up there!



  1. Nice trick lady! Wont work for me yet..too much light would be needed. I say the same about working out an hour a day.. Week 5 on P90X and it doesn't feel like it..I cant wait for day 90..seems it will take forever..

    1. Don't be so sure. I DID take off half of a neck...I'm sure it could be done!!! Keep up the P90X...can't wait to see how strong you get!
