I had a nice relaxing weekend in Daytona with my sister and the girls, but today was about getting back on track. I was feeling a little thinner this morning, so I decided to try on the white tank top. I tend to avoid wearing white tank tops because of how they accentuate the curves that aren't supposed to be there. You all know which curves I'm talking about. The ones on your belly that look like the Michelin Man. Yeah - those. Well, today they were less noticeable...especially if I stood up REALLY straight and tall.
I hit the gym around 11am, which made me feel really young and fit. I was surrounded by 6 old people who were probably there on Dr.'s orders. I hooked up the iPad and clocked 45 minutes at 3.8, which is a comfortable pace if you're watching TV at the same time.
I got a text from my sister today around 4:15p that said she was on her way over to my house to do P90x - Oh CRAP!! I had forgotten that I had committed to doing this with her 4 days a week. Instead of jumping in head first, we did the stretching video today and all I could think about was how dirty my floor was. But I enjoyed it...felt great...and the guy in the DVDs is hilarious. He reminds me of Jim Carey.
Haha nice choice of day 1.. like that is a realistic one! NOT! WHEN i get to my goal I will certainly post my fat picture.. cause I'm sure I will be soooo proud. I have a lot more to lose than you did, so it will be after I have lost 40lbs before I do before and after pics. Yes I said 40lbs..so please don't try to imagine how much in all I need to lose.