In the same day, my husband, whom I often refer to as "Daddy,"
1.) Offered to babysit the kids so that I could get out of the house and socialize with my adult friends
2.) Called me from work JUST to tell me that the chicken that I had grilled the night before was absolutely perfect and very delicious
3.) Only called me one time while I was spending time my friends (and it was only to verify the amount of medicine to give to Lil C, so it doesn't really count), and
4.) Had the dishes done and the kitchen cleaned when I got home.
Suspect, I tell ya, but I'll take what I can get.
He might actually feel bad for me since I've been stuck inside for 7 days with sick kids, or he might be seeing signs that I'm about to crack and he'd rather take the offensive and be proactive than be on the receiving end when I actually DO crack.
No, I didn't work out today. I DID, however, do 20 kitchen counter push ups at the BFF's while her hubby opened a bottle of wine for me. I can't really count that as exercise, though. I was just warming up for my 8oz bicep curls.
On an AWESOME note, I'm down 10 lbs. Yep, you read it correctly. 10 lbs. AND, my belly button ring has come out of hiding. I'm celebrating by wearing a tube-top tank today. Yay me.
Photo is of my jeans. I think it might be time to retire the fat jeans and go shopping.
you go girl :)