Finally. A weekend to relax. No responsibilities, no kids, no husband. Don't get me all know how much I love my kids and family, but this mamacita needed some time to regroup.
Cleaned the house for a couple of hours on Friday so that Daddy could enjoy his weekend at home in a clean house, then headed up to Lake City with the BFF. She goes up to her dad's farm to sit with her mom who suffers from Alzheimer's while her dad goes out of town. I go with her to help her maintain her sanity.
Unfortunately, our sanity was short lived. In the first 10 minutes, her mom disappeared... she decided to leave the property and take a walk up the side of the highway. Talk about an adrenalin rush. It was dusk and getting dark very quickly. We all split up, took off in cars going both directions...
By the grace of God, I found her walking along the side of the road, and managed to coax her into the car by using her daughter's name. She doesn't recognize me anymore, but she does respond to my BFF's name. Alzheimer's is such a horrible disease. It breaks my heart.
After an hour or so... we gathered our emotions and managed to have a fabulous weekend. Pedicures, online poker, RuPaul's Dragrace marathon (her mom LOVED this one), sunbathing and we discovered a new favorite show's called "(Impractical) Jokers." We laughed until we had stomach cramps and almost pee'd our pants. Here is a link to one of the clips:
I feel recharged, refreshed and ready to take on the world. Thanks for reading. Peace out.
A 365 photo journey through 2012
Today I vow to take back the 20 minutes a day that I need to keep my sanity and waistline in check.
Taking Back Twenty
Monday, April 30, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012
Day 117: Fight Fire with Fire
Thursday, or better yet, quoting my friend, Shawna - it's Friday-eve. I've always said that if you're feeling low on energy, do the opposite of what your brain is telling you to do. Your brain will tell you to get more rest, but your brain is wrong. Taking a brisk walk when you're feeling an energy deficit will actually help increase your energy level. If you're in this category, try it. I challenge you. Once you see it for yourself, you will be a believer.
I woke up this morning with extreme pain in my toes and my fingers were sore too. Only now, there is a spot on my kneecaps that hurts as well. What's covering your kneecaps? Skin? I haven't taken a human biology class since high school. Maybe there is some connective tissue of some sort. I'm sure I'll be googling it after I finish this post.
I'm baffled as to what is going on. I asked Daddy to pick up Lil C from Karate tonight so that I could go to the gym. Whatever it is, I figured I'd try to take the same concept that I mentioned above and apply it to this pain. It's a risk, but what's the worst that could happen? More pain? No biggie. I'm tough.
I took it a little easy at the gym and started slower...taking longer to ease up to a 3.8 on the treadmill while watching the final Season 6 episode of Grey's Anatomy. I knew someone was going to die...thank goodness it was the newbies. I also think I figured out why I love the show so much. These characters push themselves to levels they don't believe in their minds that they can reach...and most of the time, they succeed.
That's the only way to live your life. Try to do something once a week that you don't think you can do. If it turns out you can't do it, then you've lost nothing. Give 100% and you can't lose.
If you're a committed follower of this blog, you know that I've had a rough month. Not blogging every day like I promised, sick kids, husband out of town, daughter's wisdom teeth extraction, fevers, vomit, packing boxes, and now this arthritis scare.
Life happens. Deal with it and move forward.
Daddy has offered to hold down the fort while I spend the weekend with the BFF in Lake City at her dad's farm. Nothing but pedicures, peace and quiet, reading, poker, wine and soaking up the rays for a bit. He's pretty awesome like that.
Out of the blue the other night, he came to me and told me that I should write a book. He's been reading my blog and thinks it's pretty darn good...maybe it was because I blogged about how awesome he was. Hmmmmm. This may not seem like a big deal to most people, but you have to know Charlie. He doesn't hand out compliments on a regular basis. It's on very rare occasion that he offers an unsolicited compliment to anyone. Felt good.
Photo is where I'll be Saturday morning...drinking my coffee and reading the rest of that book.
I woke up this morning with extreme pain in my toes and my fingers were sore too. Only now, there is a spot on my kneecaps that hurts as well. What's covering your kneecaps? Skin? I haven't taken a human biology class since high school. Maybe there is some connective tissue of some sort. I'm sure I'll be googling it after I finish this post.
I'm baffled as to what is going on. I asked Daddy to pick up Lil C from Karate tonight so that I could go to the gym. Whatever it is, I figured I'd try to take the same concept that I mentioned above and apply it to this pain. It's a risk, but what's the worst that could happen? More pain? No biggie. I'm tough.
I took it a little easy at the gym and started slower...taking longer to ease up to a 3.8 on the treadmill while watching the final Season 6 episode of Grey's Anatomy. I knew someone was going to die...thank goodness it was the newbies. I also think I figured out why I love the show so much. These characters push themselves to levels they don't believe in their minds that they can reach...and most of the time, they succeed.
That's the only way to live your life. Try to do something once a week that you don't think you can do. If it turns out you can't do it, then you've lost nothing. Give 100% and you can't lose.
If you're a committed follower of this blog, you know that I've had a rough month. Not blogging every day like I promised, sick kids, husband out of town, daughter's wisdom teeth extraction, fevers, vomit, packing boxes, and now this arthritis scare.
Life happens. Deal with it and move forward.
Daddy has offered to hold down the fort while I spend the weekend with the BFF in Lake City at her dad's farm. Nothing but pedicures, peace and quiet, reading, poker, wine and soaking up the rays for a bit. He's pretty awesome like that.
Out of the blue the other night, he came to me and told me that I should write a book. He's been reading my blog and thinks it's pretty darn good...maybe it was because I blogged about how awesome he was. Hmmmmm. This may not seem like a big deal to most people, but you have to know Charlie. He doesn't hand out compliments on a regular basis. It's on very rare occasion that he offers an unsolicited compliment to anyone. Felt good.
Photo is where I'll be Saturday morning...drinking my coffee and reading the rest of that book.
Days 115-116: Falling to Pieces

Wednesday woke up sore again...this is now day 3, and it's getting progressively worse each day. I'm starting to get a little worried. I'm not a complainer when it comes to my own body aches. I have a fairly high tolerance for pain. Charlie thinks I need to get checked for Fibromyalsia, or whatever that disease is. My back has been sore since November. That's 5 months. MRI scheduled for Friday to check my discs. It really sucks getting old. My older sister told me that things just start to fall apart at 40. Well, I have 2 more years to go before I'm 40. This isn't looking too good.
Drove out to Brandon to see my parents and my baby sister, who just so happened to land a job that day...Congrats, Sis!!! We ate Babe's Pizza and drank some red wine on the back porch overlooking the peaceful lake that we grew up on. No workout Wednesday...hurting all day...toes, fingers and knee caps. Plus I didn't want to see what happened on Grey's Anatomy. Someone is going to die. I can feel it.
Did a little investigating on my family medical history and discovered that my mom's twin sister was diagnosed with a rare form of arthritis. She wasn't much older than I am right now when she received that diagnosis. She can't remember the exact name, but I'll certainly find out what it is and hopefully save years and years of misdiagnosis. Bloodwork on Friday. Cross your fingers.
Photo is of my piggies from 2010. If I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, I want to remember my toes like this. Young and pretty. No comments on the fat toes. ffffttttt. None.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Day 114: Back to the Future
This day could not have been any better (for a Monday, that is).
I purged 50% of the crap from my closet, packed up the rest, hit the gym for a quick 45, made dinner, watched the movie "Wild Hogs" with the family, learned that 'Wilfred' was coming back on the air for a 2nd season and then Daddy agreed to hold down the fort while I go have some girl time with the BFF in Lake City this weekend...Nothing but sleep, pedicures, poker, Vitamin D, and sleep.
..hopefully in that order each day.
It doesn't get any better than this.
I purged 50% of the crap from my closet, packed up the rest, hit the gym for a quick 45, made dinner, watched the movie "Wild Hogs" with the family, learned that 'Wilfred' was coming back on the air for a 2nd season and then Daddy agreed to hold down the fort while I go have some girl time with the BFF in Lake City this weekend...Nothing but sleep, pedicures, poker, Vitamin D, and sleep.
..hopefully in that order each day.
It doesn't get any better than this.
Day 113: Peace and Quiet
Enjoyed a lazy Sunday morning...
Daddy cooked breakfast for everyone, like he does every Sunday morning... then headed up to the BFF's to partake in some Vitamin D while the kids swam, and the big boys shot bow & arrows at the pine trees.
Well, Lil C didn't actually swim. He's like me. I won't get in unless the water is at least 85 degrees. was only 77. My first purchase once we're in the new house will be a solar heater for the pool.
Nothing much else to tell ya, other than today was therapeutic ...a nice segue into TAKING BACK TWENTY....again.
I'm down 10 lbs from January 1st. Feels great, but the honeymoon phase is wearing off. Time to focus on the next 10. Gettin' this rear back in gear, people. Put down the chocolate cake and step aside.
Daddy cooked breakfast for everyone, like he does every Sunday morning... then headed up to the BFF's to partake in some Vitamin D while the kids swam, and the big boys shot bow & arrows at the pine trees.
Well, Lil C didn't actually swim. He's like me. I won't get in unless the water is at least 85 degrees. was only 77. My first purchase once we're in the new house will be a solar heater for the pool.
Nothing much else to tell ya, other than today was therapeutic ...a nice segue into TAKING BACK TWENTY....again.
I'm down 10 lbs from January 1st. Feels great, but the honeymoon phase is wearing off. Time to focus on the next 10. Gettin' this rear back in gear, people. Put down the chocolate cake and step aside.
Day 112: Crossing the Bridge

Today Lil C crossed the bridge to become a Tiger Cub. He was so proud. Once the ceremony was over, he dove right into his new handbook, checking out all of the cool things he'll get to do on his way to becoming a full fledged Boy Scout.
I spent the entire morning packing up several boxes and helping to keep Sierra comfortable. She swelled up like a chipmunk this morning...even more than yesterday. She's so cute...thank goodness the nausea subsided and she can eat more soft foods...she lived off of mashed potatoes and ice cream for the first two days. Unfortunately, so did I...and it did a number on my digestive tract. I remember now why I vowed to ease up on the carbs and sugar. They taste yummy going in, but once they're there, it gets ugly...bloated up like a puffer fish.
Things are finally settling back to a normal schedule. Sickness is gone, Daddy's home and Sierra is functioning on her own. I think I can see the light at the end of this long, crazy tunnel that I've been in for 2 weeks.
Days 110 - 111: Chipmunk Cheeks
Daddy is still out of town. Realized why he takes the garbage out of the house so quickly when I throw empty meat containers away. I spent a good part of an hour trying to figure out why my kitchen smelled of decaying flesh when I woke up Thursday morning. It was the packaging from 10lbs of chicken that I put in there on Tuesday. It was definitely vomit worthy.
Then baby girl had to get her wisdom teeth out...all FIVE of them. This is the first time I've ever cared form someone who is coming out of anesthesia. Wow. Scared me a little when she wasn't back to normal an hour later...but doc said it was normal.
We learned a valuable lesson tonight, Sierra and I. Do NOT take prescription narcotic pain meds on an empty stomach. I tried to help her get to the bathroom in time, but instead, we both slipped in her projectile vomit and almost added ER visit to our day. We were able to catch ourselves on the wall and bathroom counter, so no one was hurt. Thank God.
She didn't laugh right away...but once it was all cleaned up, we laughed about it.
Good times.
Then baby girl had to get her wisdom teeth out...all FIVE of them. This is the first time I've ever cared form someone who is coming out of anesthesia. Wow. Scared me a little when she wasn't back to normal an hour later...but doc said it was normal.
We learned a valuable lesson tonight, Sierra and I. Do NOT take prescription narcotic pain meds on an empty stomach. I tried to help her get to the bathroom in time, but instead, we both slipped in her projectile vomit and almost added ER visit to our day. We were able to catch ourselves on the wall and bathroom counter, so no one was hurt. Thank God.
She didn't laugh right away...but once it was all cleaned up, we laughed about it.
Good times.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Days 108-109: Single Mom

I spent the majority of my days packing up my office/storage room. There was a TON of stuff in that room, and it was definitely a workout.
I was so motivated by the large pile of "donation/trash" I created by cleaning out the office that I dove right into Lil C's room. Three large garbage bags later, his room was cleaned. He hardly noticed. I also now know how he was so fast and efficient at cleaning his room. He'd shove it all into his, laundry, garbage, whatever. At least I didn't find another booger collection.
What hurts the most? My back. What hurts the 2nd most? My toes. I made the terrible mistake of doing 12 hours of packing and stretching and lifting and box moving in $10 Wal-Mart flip flops.
A friend from CA who just recently moved told me that she did the same thing and is still paying the price. Packing is a workout. You bend, you stretch to reach things, you lift heavy things, you carry heavy weights, you sweat... My recommendation: wear tennis shoes.
Now that I have those rooms all cleared out, I feel much better about the rest of the house. My body is in a little bit of pain, but I'm still down 10lbs. My workouts have become a little more domesticated these days, but sweat is sweat, and sweat feels good!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Days 105-107: Snapped
It's the name of a show on television... the Oxygen Network
I am almost there. Not literally, but I can certainly relate to the ladies on this show... Never heard of it? It's pretty interesting. Click Here
This weekend was non stop. Reunited with the treadmill after 9 days of seclusion with a 7 year old boy and cartoons, Poker Night, Real Estate stuff, Birthday Party, Real Estate Stuff, Cookout, Real Estate stuff and then finally crashed, only to wake up to Monday morning.
I think I need a time out.
3 days of speed packing and my back is killing me, too. Note to self: Do not wear flip-flops while packing boxes.
Aren't you glad you clicked the link to read this? Now you know how I feel.
Photo is serene...a lake near my house. I will stare at it for a few hours, and drink a couple glasses of wine. That's should fix things. Or maybe it's where I threw the body...muuaahahahaha. JUST KIDDING!!!
Peace out.
I am almost there. Not literally, but I can certainly relate to the ladies on this show... Never heard of it? It's pretty interesting. Click Here
This weekend was non stop. Reunited with the treadmill after 9 days of seclusion with a 7 year old boy and cartoons, Poker Night, Real Estate stuff, Birthday Party, Real Estate Stuff, Cookout, Real Estate stuff and then finally crashed, only to wake up to Monday morning.
I think I need a time out.
3 days of speed packing and my back is killing me, too. Note to self: Do not wear flip-flops while packing boxes.
Aren't you glad you clicked the link to read this? Now you know how I feel.
Photo is serene...a lake near my house. I will stare at it for a few hours, and drink a couple glasses of wine. That's should fix things. Or maybe it's where I threw the body...muuaahahahaha. JUST KIDDING!!!
Peace out.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Day 103 - Abducted by Aliens

In the same day, my husband, whom I often refer to as "Daddy,"
1.) Offered to babysit the kids so that I could get out of the house and socialize with my adult friends
2.) Called me from work JUST to tell me that the chicken that I had grilled the night before was absolutely perfect and very delicious
3.) Only called me one time while I was spending time my friends (and it was only to verify the amount of medicine to give to Lil C, so it doesn't really count), and
4.) Had the dishes done and the kitchen cleaned when I got home.
Suspect, I tell ya, but I'll take what I can get.
He might actually feel bad for me since I've been stuck inside for 7 days with sick kids, or he might be seeing signs that I'm about to crack and he'd rather take the offensive and be proactive than be on the receiving end when I actually DO crack.
No, I didn't work out today. I DID, however, do 20 kitchen counter push ups at the BFF's while her hubby opened a bottle of wine for me. I can't really count that as exercise, though. I was just warming up for my 8oz bicep curls.
On an AWESOME note, I'm down 10 lbs. Yep, you read it correctly. 10 lbs. AND, my belly button ring has come out of hiding. I'm celebrating by wearing a tube-top tank today. Yay me.
Photo is of my jeans. I think it might be time to retire the fat jeans and go shopping.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Day 101-102 - Institutionalized

Knowing that I would not be able to get to the gym, I did random kitchen counter push ups through out Day 101 and then speed cleaned on Day 102.
When speed cleaning, if you have two shoes to carry from the living room to the bedroom, take one at a time and walk twice as fast. Continue with each and every item that needs to be put away.
I wish I had actually counted the push-ups. If you start at 9am and do 20 of them every hour or so, you can manage 160. It's so easy, and it burns so good!! That pound that I gained last week was gone this morning (technically day 103). Kind of diggin' that.
I've always heard that the longer it takes you to take the weight off, the longer it takes you to put it back on. If my math skills are as sharp as they used to be, and if I live to be 90 years old, I SHOULD be able to eat right and exercise for the next 26 years, and then splurge for my final 26 years??? I like my math. These are the things that I think about when I'm stuck at home for 7 days. Feeling a bit institutionalized.
Photo: Coloring Eggs on the Tuesday AFTER Easter. Better late than never!!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Day 100 - Spongebob: My Inspiration
I think that I was happy with the 8 lbs that I had already lost, therefore becoming complacent:
[com·pla·cent (k m-pl s nt). adj. 1. Contented to a fault; self-satisfied and unconcerned].
While being complacent has its place in life, it has no place in Taking Back Twenty.
I celebrated this day with 100 kitchen counter push-ups, and they kicked my complacent butt.
If you're a committed "Taking Back Twenty" reader, you know that we're in the process of selling our house, moving, buying property, finding a place to rent and building a new home. Talk about stress levels through the roof. My new found complacency has allowed me to fall right back into my "Lose, Stop, Gain" pattern. It's a vicious cycle that ended today.
I'm not going to get down on myself because that will lead to more avoidance and fear of failure. That is the hardest thing to remember. This process is not a win/lose or pass/fail situation. Just like everything else in life, there is a cycle, and it's time to ramp it back up... If it means the laundry isn't caught up or the house isn't spotless, or the beds aren't made, then so be it.
Quoting my positive influence, Spongebob Squarepants, "Now it's time to briiiinnnngggg it around tooowwnnn."
If you haven't experienced the funny and positive nature'd sponge man-boy, please check it out here: "Bring It Around Town by Spongebob Squarepants"
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Day 97 - Back to Square One
I have no spare time. We have been scrambling for 10 days now...getting paperwork done, taping boxes getting ready to start packing, doing due diligence on the property that we want to buy, and now for the past two days, tending to two very sick children. They each had a separate illness, and now they have traded and each has what the other had the first two days.
Today, we met with a builder to discuss pricing, which did nothing but raise Charlie's blood pressure...we may have to find cheaper property to build the house that we want.
I've gained a pound back, but it feels like 10. However, I DID find a wonderfully delicious comfort food snack at the grocery store tonight... cheesecake filled chocolate graham cracker cookies. Holy crap. I will have to ban them once I've eaten the entire bag.
Sitting here after midnight typing my blog because it's the first time today that I've actually had time to stop and sit uninterrupted. I think I'm going to close this post out right now, go back to the beginning and re-read my own blog. Mentally, I feel like I am back at square one. Physically there hasn't been much change. I think that's the beauty of losing it the old fashioned get a longer grace period before having to pull out the fat jeans.
Today, we met with a builder to discuss pricing, which did nothing but raise Charlie's blood pressure...we may have to find cheaper property to build the house that we want.
I've gained a pound back, but it feels like 10. However, I DID find a wonderfully delicious comfort food snack at the grocery store tonight... cheesecake filled chocolate graham cracker cookies. Holy crap. I will have to ban them once I've eaten the entire bag.
Sitting here after midnight typing my blog because it's the first time today that I've actually had time to stop and sit uninterrupted. I think I'm going to close this post out right now, go back to the beginning and re-read my own blog. Mentally, I feel like I am back at square one. Physically there hasn't been much change. I think that's the beauty of losing it the old fashioned get a longer grace period before having to pull out the fat jeans.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Days 94 - 96 : Crazi-Daze
I apologize to those who were hoping for some funny antics about my workout, or about something funny that happened these past few days, but we have been scrambling getting everything ready for our closing, PLUS trying to sketch a design for our new house and secure the property we want to buy.
With all of that going on, I also have 2 sick kids.
Forgive me. I will get back on track soon, and then blog about how life happens and we will all fall out of our routine every once in a while.
With all of that going on, I also have 2 sick kids.
Forgive me. I will get back on track soon, and then blog about how life happens and we will all fall out of our routine every once in a while.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Day 93 - White T-Shirt Contest

I had a nice relaxing weekend in Daytona with my sister and the girls, but today was about getting back on track. I was feeling a little thinner this morning, so I decided to try on the white tank top. I tend to avoid wearing white tank tops because of how they accentuate the curves that aren't supposed to be there. You all know which curves I'm talking about. The ones on your belly that look like the Michelin Man. Yeah - those. Well, today they were less noticeable...especially if I stood up REALLY straight and tall.
I hit the gym around 11am, which made me feel really young and fit. I was surrounded by 6 old people who were probably there on Dr.'s orders. I hooked up the iPad and clocked 45 minutes at 3.8, which is a comfortable pace if you're watching TV at the same time.
I got a text from my sister today around 4:15p that said she was on her way over to my house to do P90x - Oh CRAP!! I had forgotten that I had committed to doing this with her 4 days a week. Instead of jumping in head first, we did the stretching video today and all I could think about was how dirty my floor was. But I enjoyed it...felt great...and the guy in the DVDs is hilarious. He reminds me of Jim Carey.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Days 88 - 92: Daytona Beach Spring Break 2012

Spent the past few days in Daytona Beach for my daughter's Winterguard Competition. I brought my laptop with me to keep up on the blog, but Hilton Oceanwalk charged $10/day for internet service. They also charge $20/day for parking, $6.95 for a side of sausage with your breakfast, and $6 for a can of soda... What a ripoff.
Other than that, the WRHS Winterguard show was amazing. CLICK HERE to take a peek. We stayed 2 nights so that the girls could experience Daytona Beach Spring Break 2012. I came home expecting to have gained 3 pounds, but I didn' gain, no loss. LOVE IT!!
Now on to trying to find a new place to live, or rent, while we find our perfect homesite!!! Nervous and excited all at the same time!!! Have a great, productive week...going to hit the gym every day this week...I have lots of make-up calories to burn off!!
Photo is a self portrait of me, my new "Housewives of Wesley Chapel" hat and a glass of wine in a paper cup... in the Hilton Oceanwalk Elevator.
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