Today is December 1st, 2012. I blogged almost every day from January until around April/May when we sold our house. I lost weight. I felt healthy and strong. I had TONS of energy. And then, someone took my Twenty. No, let me rephrase that: I gave away my Twenty.
As a wife and a mother, giving is a natural concept. It's built into my DNA. It's my life source. Maybe that's why this blog fizzled. I wasn't designed to take.
Maybe I should change the name of the Blog to "Giving Back Twenty" - Win Win, right?
I'm going to go put my sneakers on right now and jump on the treadmill, because if I don't do it right at this very minute, I will find something else in this house that "needs" my attention. brb.
......ten minutes later. Experiencing technical difficulties. Grey's Anatomy Season 9 is not on Netflix and the ABC app is missing the first 2 episodes. I tried reaching someone to borrow their HULU account, but she's in Vegas and it's 8am there. She probably just went to bed. No one said this was easy.
No luck. I settled for picking up at the 3rd episode of Season 9 and tracked two leisurely 15 minute miles. First time on the treadmill since, well, I can't even remember.
One of the characters on Grey's used the term "revirginizing" after regretting her decision to give her virginity away. I can relate to that. I feel like I have given something up to external life forces, who, in return, seized total control of and monopolized my time for the past 6 months. I think today is the day that I "reTwentizize" and forget the past 6 months ever happened. New house, new career. That was yesterday. Today I begin to move forward again. Join me.
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