Lifted away in one swift click of the mouse.
It's the reason that I quit blogging. It's the reason I have gained back all of the weight that I lost earlier this year. It's the reason I wouldn't let anyone "check-in" to my home on Facebook or Twitter. It's the reason that I choose live an honest life. I don't handle dishonesty very well. I'm a terrible liar and I don't like having secrets.
Instead of dishing details, all I can say is the School Choice gods were good to me. It's official. She may have to drive a little further to get to school, but it's a good feeling knowing my Band Captain, Mu Alpha Theta officer, National Honor Society, AP & Honor student, top 20% of her class, well rounded beautiful daughter will get to finish out her high school career without having to change schools!
(don't roll your eyes - you'd brag, too, if she was yours)
The sky has opened and the sun is shining again...the warm
fuzzies are back. Unfortunately, so is my muffin top.
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